Chapter 146- (*^&$@ Multiverse)

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Karma encounters a few more obstacles he has to deal with but he handles it, so its all fine! (its really not)


*^&$@ multiverse

Karma had never been so thankful that he had wings then at this exact moment, as it was most likely the only thing keeping him in one piece. He doubted he would have made it far, if he was bound to the ground, the newly corrupted Negativity Guardian strangely persistent in their pursuit of him.

"Karma?! Your w-wings are-"

"It's fine, Sunny. Just focus on holding on tight"

..well, he was mostly in one piece.

This Nightmare was a tad too good at aiming magic considering their state, annoyed he had to use his ability to float so he wouldn't crash into the ground. He flapped his wings instinctively, despite knowing it was useless, a tad upset at the damage to them.

He could tell it would going to take a while to grow back some feathers, his flight feathers all burned quite badly from a lucky shot from Nightmare. The attack magic would have landed around his scarf if he hasn't used his wings as a shield but at least the Bitties were still alive and unharmed.


Azures warning was greatly appreciated as he quickly dodged right to avoid a bunch of tentacles, unsure how he missed them sneaking up so close to him. He would have floated higher to try and avoid their reach but Blot seemed to get a tad queasy whenever he did so and he didn't particularly want to stress the tiny monsters out further. They were worryingly pale already, really hoping they weren't injured by his fast flying.

" DrEaM! "

Sunny was terrified, unsure how things had changed so quickly!

The malice in the air wasn't helping matters, the negativity feeling like it was weighing him down and although he was still alarmed at Karma blocking their emotions, it was also deeply comforting to focus on the void of emotions. It was grounding, which he desperately needed with the pure negativity that was tracking them down.

He yelped when he felt a sudden drop in elevation, the sudden stop jolting him near violently but surprisingly not feeling hurt in the slightest. He wasn't even giving a moment to thank this small victory, nearly screeching when he realised their new predicament.

He was not pleased in the slightest to come face to face with a goopy face, realising with a renewed sense of horror that Karma had been grabbed by their pursuers tentacles.

" FoUnd yOu DrEaM "

He shuddered at the distorted words, worried when Karma let out a quiet hiss of pain as the tentacle visibly tightened around them.

Karma was doing his very best to suppress his magic, knowing without a doubt if he didnt he would dust the insane monster. It wasnt helping matters that he could feel his role pulsing in warning, tugging at his neck like a collar that he was unable to throw off.

If he acted, he would for certain die. If he didnt, there was a small percentage that he might live. Terrible odds but he had a plan to hopefully improve his terrible chance of survival, stiffening when he felt his SOUL be tugged from his chest and shuddering at the unsettling feeling.

He watched in silence when Nightmare froze when his SOUL was finally revealed to them, guessing they finally realising that he wasn't Dream but it was what was about to happen that made him tense up.

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