Chapter 38- (SevenSins Multiverse)

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Karma has been dropped in a world completely different to what they know. Sans feels his stress increase at the new arrival


SevenSins Multiverse

Sans didn't expect anything exciting to occur during his daily walk. He had started this routine on the insistence of his younger brother. He would have been happy to stay in the house all day, lazing all day but his brother insisted he go out for some fresh air. Sans would usually ignore if anyone else told him to do so but he could never resist when it came to Papyrus.

He loved the new place they had moved into and how they were the only ones around for miles. The greatest thing was no longer having to hide his extra features all the time. He could easily do it but the extra energy he needed to expend to conceal them was rather annoying.

It was better than being screamed at by the humans or seen as the devil reborn. They seemed adamant in their belief that he was evil and often called priests to deal with him. He personally blamed Ink and Error for these issues, as they were plenty old enough to have been the cause of such stories.

He wished there were more places that just had monsters living together, as they were far more accepting of his looks. It did help that there were barely any skeleton monsters left, so he could easily lie to antsy monsters about why he had extra appendages. Many monsters had been ostracised by humans in the early days so none believed the humans claims, luckily for him.

His tail swished back and forth in contentment and he idly scratched his horns. Looking around he admired how wild the area looked as well as the blanket of snow covering the surroundings. His magic made him run hotter than others so he didn't have to cover himself against the biting cold. It was one of the few things he enjoyed about the form he had.

A thud suddenly caught his attention and he wondered if an animal had been caught in a trap his brother had set up. Meandering over he was first faced with large black wings that concealed whoever they were attached to. He didn't recognise the magic from them but he did feel an odd connection to them. crouching down he saw the snow surrounding them changing red and knew he couldn't leave them here. They felt like a monster at least, so he wasn't worried about hiding his features.

" Well what do we have here? It seems like a broken little birdy all alone in the cold. We can't have that now, can we?"

He received no reply but he didnt' expect one. He pushed the wing out the way and froze at the startlingly young features. He quickly held them to his chest making sure to be careful with their wings. When he was happy with the hold he had on them he teleported straight back home. He was sure his brother would let him off for indulging in his Sin for once.

"SANS? WHY ARE YOU BACK SO EARLY? YOU BETTER NOT HAVE TELE-......Sans, why does the child have Envies magic on them?"

That was a very good point. Sans had not checked them over yet, as he was more worried about how the cold would affect them. His brother wordlessly directed him to the spare room, which he was pleased his brother had persuaded him they would find use of. At the time he had only seen it as an extra room to clean but Papyrus's forward thinking was helpful yet again.

Laying the small monster down on the bed Sans started to cut their top off, to prevent hurting them any further. They both grimaced at seeing the full damage and Sans was impressed the monster hadn't dusted from that slash. Leaning closer he inhaled their scent and felt his body finally relax.

"They aren't mortal, Paps. Maybe the grumpy raven was trying to get rid of a new player early on?"


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