Chapter- 95 (S̷̲͗ṯ̶̇̅ringVerse)

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Karma is back in StringVerse and learns even more about Strings



"-do it by yourself. I don't mind either way, Karma!"

Oops. Karma had kind of forgotten he would arrive the same moment he left. Thankfully Star wasn't looking at him, so he took his chance to run off in the opposite direction, pleased at getting a large head start. It was a bit busy today but that was perfect for what he wanted, hopefully it would delay Star.

When he passed by a shop he got a glance of his clothes and cursed. He needed to get changed before he was spotted by anyone who would recognise him, as he did not want to answer any troublesome questions. Whilst he was running he spotted a park nearby and flapped his wings to give him an extra boost. He grinned as he found a quiet area and quickly swapped his clothes for the ones Error had made for him. He reluctantly took off his scarf and swapped it for the blue one from Error but paused when he looked at it.

It was a lot..dustier than he remembered. As were his clothes come to think of it. Did the glasses just not work as well as he thought? He shivered at feeling Star head towards him, thankfully just as he finished putting the last item on. He took out the glasses Error had made for him and put them on, surprised he still had a use for them. At least they didn't impede his vision like regular ones would.

"Karma! Where are you?!"

He scowled and sprinted away from the voice, hoping to lose them. All he needed to do was find a busy spot to blend in and text Moon for a lift. Should be easy enough. He hissed when arms lifted him up but just managed to not lash out, as he didnt want to harm Star, even if he disliked the situation he was in.

"There you are. I was worried sick. Are you ok? Are you perhaps ill?"

Dream adjusted his hold on Karma and turned them to be facing him, keeping a tight hold on them, in case they tried to run off again. He had no idea why they had left and he feared they had spotted some danger he wasn't aware of.

Looking over them he was relieved that they seemed fine and spreading out his magic didn't indicate any issues. If anything they felt more emotionally stable than before, with far less anger present, despite the scowl on their face.

They were also not fighting him at all, despite past interactions, where even suggesting a mere hug would earn him a truly fearsome snarl. He patiently waited for them to speak and flinched in surprise, as they rested their skull against his shoulder.

"..i don't want to do it"


Dream was lost, way too many things were happening at once for him to even try to keep track of the conversation.

"I don't want to see my Strings... scary "

He was unsure if he was meant to hear the last word but focusing on their emotions he realised how terrified they were. Thinking back he was a tad ashamed that in his excitement he ignored the stress they were exhibiting. He thought it was natural, as he had felt similar emotions from other children going to the find out.

"I-I'm sorry, Karma. I thought you would enjoy it, as i know other children do"

And that's the thing Dream forgot. This particular babybones clearly wasn't like others. Just observing their clothes and the band on their wrist, still radiating the Destroyer's magic, was proof enough but he knew this also put them in greater danger.

"I've no idea why this is so important. It's just sounds like pretty coloured Strings, you can boast about having"

Dream sighed and rested his skull against them in sadness. He had wished to keep their innocence longer but perhaps that had been futile to begin with. The dust covering them pointed out the dangers inherent in their AU.

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