Chapter- 121 (Underverse Copy-126)

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Karma ends up in a new place and accidentally lands on a weird black winged monster...why does he keep getting a weird sense of Deja vu?


Underverse Copy-126

Reaper had not been expecting much to happen today. It was a perfectly peaceful day and he was just going back to his new mate, Geno. He stupidly grinned at getting to see them again, even if he had seen them this morning. His wings fluttered in happiness behind him.

His life was rather peaceful so he thought it fair he was surprised, when he heard high pitched squealing above him, which was getting much louder by the second. Looking up he paled and shot out his arms on instinct, just managing to catch the tiny monster before they hit the ground. His jaw slackened when he realised it was a babybones, who looked remarkably like himself and Geno combined.

"That was awesome! I should do that again..oh, hello there. I'm Karma. You really look familiar. Have we met before?"

Reaper was speechless, it taking far too long to realise he was touching them without them dusting, only managing to wheeze out his name in response.

"Reaper? Hmm..nope, not ringing any bells. Hey, do you know if there is any cool stuff to do here? I'm having a holiday"

Reaper tightened his hold on the talkative babybones, feeling rather lost on what to do from here...Geno. Yes, Geno should know what to do! Plan sorted he headed home, completely forgetting he could just open a portal and occasionally glancing at the babybones with equal parts wonder and terror.

He wanted children someday but he was not expecting them to just fall from the sky!


Now, Geno loved Reaper, he truly did but that did not mean he was blind to some of their more eccentric quirks. When they had first met they had come off as rather dark and mysterious, sometimes even standoffish.

It had put him off but he soon learned that they were just terrible at interaction, due to their magic. When Reaper had accidently touched him one day, and after much freaking out, it was like a switch had been flipped.

They were of course still awkward and when they panicked their common sense just seemed to disappear but he still loved them.

"-fall from the sky! It was like a star..we should see the stars soon but WHAT DO I DO and-"

...That's what he tried to remind himself when Reaper suddenly barged into their shared home and held out a babybones towards him, who looked rather puzzled but happy to stay where they were. Deciding to interrupt their word vomit, knowing they could go on for hours he clapped his hands, pleased when they clicked their jaw shut. He decided to be blunt, already exhausted with this whole situation.

"Reaper, did you kidnap a child?"

The squawk of betrayal from his mate did not fill him with confidence, nor did the babybones response.

"I have no idea why I am here but I don't mind. This seems like it could be fun!"

Geno gave a look to his mate, glad they at least understood why he was so unimpressed with them right now.

"I see..Reaper please put the child down, they are not a toy"

How the babybones didn't seem bothered by being held out as far from Reaper as possible was a mystery but he was relieved when his mate hastily did so, looking at their new 'guest' in curiosity.

Crouching down he smiled, sending a brief glare to Reaper for bringing another crazy situation home. Hopefully this would be easier to deal with then the goose incident..

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