Chapter 147- (*^&$@ Multiverse)

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Karma thinks everything is going great! He got a new outfit and felt he was a closer to leaving this multiverse.
The Bitties do not agree and grow increasingly worried by Karmas words.


*^&$@ multiverse

Ink was enjoying spending time with his latest find and made sure to keep them close at all times. He didn't want to forget about them after all, not even daring to put them down for a single second so he could write on his scarf, worried they might suddenly vanish. It happened far too often for his liking, unsure why everyone left him .

He looked down at the quiet monster who wasnt even trying to get away, which was a large surprise frowning at the dull clothes they were wearing.

"So very boring. Not even a speck of colour, apart from that ugly scarf. I wonder what I was thinking when I created you...."

He abruptly stopped walking when he had a sudden idea, staring thoughtfully to the distance as he considered what to do next. His eyeshapes flickered in thought, resting his head on top of the babybones as he held them tight, quite enjoying how it felt to hold one of his Creations so close they felt so familiar but he still couldn't remember from where .

"I know! I can fix it"

He shouted out with little thought, not noticing how the child flinched or the wide eyed they gave him, twirling them around in his sudden excitement. He put them on the ground, crouching down and giving them a serious look, wagging his finger in front of them.

"Now, don't try to run away please. There is still much more I want to show you and it would be annoying to have to try to find you again"

He waited until they nodded before continuing, glad the boring stuff was now out the way. They were already way better than the last monster he grabbed and much more agreeable, not even having tried to attack him at all!

He last grabbed a grown skeleton monster but they had been so very boring, only whining and moaning about something or the other. He had tuned them out early on and had thrown them back to their AU a few hours least, he thought he had but he hadn't been paying that much attention at the time....

He shrugged the useless thought off, knowing he could just make another monster if he truly needed to and it wasn't a great loss in the end If he accidentally misplaced a few boring creations, especially not when he had this one to play with now!

His grin widened at the amusing noise that came from his chest due to his thoughts, remembering that it was apparently called 'purring'. His new interest was truly fun and he hasn't even left the Doodle Sphere yet, betting they would be even more entertaining once they did.

But first to fix the dreadfully monochrome outfit the kid was wearing, the large sections of white rather disquieting to look at.

Sunny was unable to help the uneasy shiver that ran through him when he spotted the Ink, the empty grin and manic actions far too familiar to what he encountered in the past. Their luck had been terrible lately and it felt like the universe was trying to see how much they could endure before they broke.

He flinched when he saw Inks hand reach for the scarf, thankful when Karma smoothly intervened, too on edge to hear what exactly was said but it did get the Ink to look away in consideration.


"Shh! Be quiet, we don't want them to notice us"

He whispered sharply, recalling Karmas warnings to stay hidden, as this multiveres was not supposed to have a Bitty AU. He was admittedly unsure how Karma knew this or what the consequences would even be if this were to be spotted but going by the near haunted gaze of the babybones, he would assume it wasn't anything good.

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