Chapter- 101 (NeRd & JoCk Multiverse)

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Ink finds the new P.E teacher rather strange but that is the least of his worries in the end.


NeRd & JoCk Multiverse

Ink was tired but still got up when his alarm went off. He reached across the bed but paused, feeling his face scrunch up in misery. He still had days when he forgot that Error no longer lived here, even if he knew how it was mutual to split. He sat on the bed and sighed, wishing life was easier to deal with.


"I found it first!"

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" least life wasn't dull with his children here but his chronic headache spiked at the noise. He reached for the painkillers he started to keep by the bed and sighed in relief once he took them.

He should probably get up before Gradient snaps. They were so quiet in public, that it was always a shock to others when they saw them open up.



"KIDS! Please don't kill each other. Gradient? Aren't you meeting your friends today at the park"

Ink heard a thump fooled by rapid footsteps heading upstairs.

"FUNK! Thanks dad!"

"Why are you copying Fresh? he your boyfrien-"

"Like you can talk!"

Ink started to get changed. It was the first day back and he needed to be in early. He hated that meetings were at such an early hour but Reaper had gone on about 'improved health' and then made a stupid joke about 'the early bird catches the worm'. God, how Geno hadn't killed him yet was a mystery to all.

He looked at his watch and cursed at the time.

"I'm off! Don't set the house on fire"

"That was one time!"

"It was at least five, PJ. No need to lie"

Ink snorted in amusement and headed for his car to head off to work. Now don't get him wrong, he loved teaching but today would be just going through the usual boring schedules and making sure they had everything prepared for the first day of school. Sometimes he wondered why he ever thought teaching teenagers was a good thing.

He was so thankful there was no traffic and walked into the school, waving at Geno who was darkly cursing Reaper's organisational skills...he should probably leave them alone for now. He did not want to be caught in the crossfire!

He took his time getting to the meeting room, surprised it had been ten years since he had started this job. So much had changed but thankfully not all of it was bad. He pushed the door open, greeting the room but heading straight for the coffee. It might be the cheap stuff but it is what kept him going most days.

"How are you doing, Ink?"

He startled at Nightmare's voice and just managed to save his coffee. He wouldn't say he was friends with them but they got along well enough. It was times like this he saw how they could be twins with Dream, due to their rather empathic traits.

He gave a shaky grin and tried to avoid looking over at Error and rubbed his skull in pain. Today was just not a good day.

"That rough? I'm pretty sure something is going around. Dream was complaining of headaches and you know how they like to downplay illness...If it helps there are treats on the table. Reaper finally agreed to increase the budget..though i think Geno had more to do with it then anything"

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