Chapter 80- (FGOC Multiverse)

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Heart was enjoying babysitting. It's a shame that Frisk came along.


FGOC Multiverse

Heart was thrilled at how his days were going. While he still enjoyed the solitude with Ink, he now had a few hours everyday to spend time with Karma. He had no idea where the two winged Dreams went, as he was pretty sure Sans had restricted the more 'dangerous' monsters from leaving. Seeing as he was also banned he took it to mean those who didn't fit his world view.

He hadn't seen Sans' brother at all but he did hear a rather heated argument between them, before Sans forced the other to live somewhere else. Something about 'protecting them from bad influences'. It was wise to just ignore Sans and he made sure to never ask where the other two went, unsure if he would like the answer.

It had been a week since that first babysitting session and he continued to enjoy every time they were dropped off with him after. It had taken a few days but even Ink had started joining him, happily watching over Karma and quietly suggesting what to make.

Play-doh was a massive hit but he was bewildered at how much Ink had. Just what weird items did the other keep in their inventory?

"Are you hungry, Karma? One of us can feed you magic before we go?~"

"I'm good, Oneiro"

"If you are sure. Don't forget that Goth is here and has no issue with feeding you~"

"Ok. Have fun"

"We will~"

Heart cooed at the domestic interaction before taking them to what had become their living room. He wasn't offended that he hadn't been asked to feed them with his magic, as he knew they needed a larger quantity then he could provide. Maybe Ink could but neither had suggested it and Karma had looked worryingly pale, when they overheard him ask Oneiro about it.

The three of them were happily doing their own things, when they heard the slamming of the front door and a loud voice echo.

"Sans! Sans! Mom said I could over as long as you allowed it. Can I stay? Who is staying? Can I meet them?"

Heart grimaced at the voice and he could see Ink tense. He knew that Sans would allow it as they were a massive push over when it came to Toriel. He had never liked most of the fallen children from other AU's he had met and Frisk was no exception. They were so loud and demanding, but he supposed that was some of the reasons they even survived the Underground.

Thankfully his AU had never had the 'luck' to experience some of the worst things a human could do but just hearing about the Genocide routes made him shiver in fear. He knew humans could be dangerous but it was even more terrifying hearing that a child could be capable of so much violence.

The door to the room they were in slammed open and he glared as the human child came in.

"Hey! My name is Frisk! What's yours? What are you doing? Fancy exploring the place?"

Heart moved between the two and eventually managed to push the human out the room. When he turned back to Karma he could see how wide their eyelight had gotten and the slight shaking of their form.

He silently cursed that neither of the winged Dreams were back yet and glancing at the clock realised it would be a good few hours still.

"Hey sweetheart. She is gone, it's fine. Why don't you show Ink the drawing you were doing? I am sure he would love to see it"

He gently lifted Karma to sit beside Ink, glad Ink was still here with him. He was unsure if he would have been able to deal with this by himself.

Heart scowled at hearing Frisks voice ring out yet again, feeling a headache build up in annoyance.

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