Chapter 29- (Shattered Multiverse)

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How Dream became the monster named shattered. Karma did not things could get any worse.


Shattered Dream Multiverse

Dream considered himself an optimistic monster by nature. Even in his AU, he had tried to be kind and see the best in all beings. The first major crack in how he saw the world was when he spotted bruises on his brother's bones. He would constantly ask where they came from but the other insisted it was from being clumsy.

Nightmare was actually the more nimble one out of the twins, so the excuse always rang false. It didn't help that he could feel slight guilt from the other, every time a new excuse was given. Dream might portray himself as a positive being but it didn't mean he was naive or couldn't connect facts.

This new bout of clumsiness coincided around the same time the villagers learnt what type of Guardians they were. He was furious at the possibility of what he discovered but he couldn't act too rashly. Who knew what the others would do to Nightmare, for 'corrupting' the innocent being.

He kept silent even as he watched the cycle continue, till the point his own brother obviously thought that he was that naive. It hurt to realise he wasn't seen for who he was but he moved on and hid the pain. If this is the image that NIghtmare preferred, who was he to ruin the bit of happiness in his twins life.

When Nightmare ate the apples, he felt the peaceful illusion shatter. The violence was horrific but he managed to save two apples. He ate the Golden one and hid the other, In case there was ever a need.

Being turned to stone was surprisingly peaceful and the years went by quicker than he thought.

When he awoke he discovered new worlds and even made friends, who didn't want him for his aura. He helped Ink defend against Error and later his own brother. The fights were consistent but his brother had drastically changed from what he remembered. There was no longer the sweet monster, who always asked him how his day was. Now the other seemed to thrive on throwing hateful words and thrived in his suffering.

Time passed and this new routine continued, but he wasn't truly happy anymore if he ever had been . He now felt the need to wear a constant mask of optimism, as the worry he was faced with otherwise crushed him further. It seemed the whole multiverse now only saw Dream as the positive protector, who never gave up. He was no longer seen as a monster but more a symbol for others to look up to.

The pressure grew and his mind felt fragile, from the crushing expectations. He wasn't sure what was said but he knew after the battle with Nightmare, he wanted to give up. He was tired of being surrounded by fakes and pretenders and just wanted to be able to be himself.

That is when he remembered the last apple he had hidden. He wasn't sure what exactly it would do to him, but he was sure it couldn't make things worse. If he ate it in front of his brother the other would finally understand he actually cared for him, no matter what he looked like he also secretly wished to be free.

He remembered every part of the change his body went through, as soon as he bit into the apple. The pain was excruciating and he felt his body get covered in golden liquid. Soon the pain faded and all he could think of was how funny this was. Opening his sockets, his laughter grew, at seeing his brother now looking like a normal skeleton.

"Dream? Brother? Are you ok?".

How odd. He assumed he would have been overjoyed at hearing his brothers old voice, but all he felt was apathy and rage. Why did it take this for the other to start to pretend to care. He was done with this fake.

" I'm not Dream, idiot. Call me Shattered. I'm going to go have some fun. See you later, brother ".

He felt a lot more comfortable in this new form. There was no need to hide what he thought and all his darker impulses easily rose to the surface. He felt himself start to calm down, when his brother kept trying to stop his judgement in AU's.

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