Chapter 70 - (Fatal_Erro̸̠̔̑r̴͚̟̈́̋ Multiverse)

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Ink feels hope of his plan working but realises too late what his actions have caused.

Karma was happy but knowing the truth almost breaks them.


Fatal_Erro̸̠̔̑r̴͚̟̈́̋ Multiverse

Not many had been pleased by his idea to bring Fatals 'brother' into their group but Ink had witnessed the way the other was treated. There was no true connection between the two monster amalgamations, even if he could still see hope in Patch's face for that to change. Treating the other as their own being did wonders to gaining their trust and when he shared their plan, their instant agreement made him smile.

It had been devastating to morale for Reaper to be taken but thanks to Patch, they were able to gather information about what was going on. According to them the Death god had been mainly left alone, while most of the attention was spent on Goth. Ink had even noticed that the multiverse was no longer shrinking, due to Fatal no longer being obsessed with recreating their lost child.

While many in the group were happy to leave things as they were, Ink was not. He knew how unpredictable Fatal could become, so wasn't as confident as the others of this strange peaceful period. They needed more contingencies in place and the best idea they had was Goth.

They were central to keeping Fatal 'leashed' but he knew that Goth had no other connections in this multiverse. They needed to form bonds with the babybones, to hopefully stop Fatal from killing them all. Looking back he knew without Goths interference he would have been erased by Fatal, making him even more determined to make this plan work.

Having Reaper unable to use magic was annoying but with Patch as a messenger and able to create portals, there should be no issues.


He was sitting in Dreamtale next to Dream, fidgeting with his fingers. While Dream may have disliked staying here, it was the best AU to host these sessions at. It was one of the AU's vital to the multiverse, so they hoped if Fatal ever found out what they were doing, they would hold back their full strength allowing them to escape.

He was nervous about how this would go, as he wasn't used to others not liking him. He knew he could be annoying and over the top, but rarely did anyone truly dislike him. It was a perk of living thousands of years and learning how to act to make others happy in his presence.

Today was different as he had no base to work off. He could get along with most children but Goth seemed different to what he was used to. Even that first meeting he never thought he was looking at a mere child, but more an older being like him.

It was their eyelight that seemed to stare through him that truly made him feel unbalanced. It felt like all his secrets were out in the open and being openly judged. Strangely that feeling was not present the next time they met and instead he saw what Dream had, a scared child that didn't want to be there.

These clashing thoughts fled when he saw Reaper come closer, holding Goths hand.

"Hey, little bird. You still remember us, right? No need to be shy"

He was glad Dream started things off as he was unsure what to do. Just looking at Goth had caused them to stiffen up, making his SOUL feel heavy. He wished he knew why they feared him, as he got no joy in scaring children.

Dream nudged him, making him realise he had been getting lost in his thoughts. Pasting a small smile on his face he hunched over, trying to appear smaller to the scared child.

"Heya Goth. Want to hear more about AU's? Did you know there is one that has just animals?"

Their twitching wings encouraged him to continue and he was pleased when they eventually sat beside him, staring at him in awe. He adored it when others listened about his creations and felt his smile soften at the reaction he was getting.

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