Chapter 39- (SevenSins Multiverse)

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Karma awakens and panics the other. Dream despairs at this new situation


SevenSins Multiverse

Karma drifted into consciousness and immediately felt as if his bones were on fire. He whimpered in discomfort and tried to push himself up to see where he was. With great effort he sat up and forced his sockets open. He was greeted with a bland room and he realised he was sat on a rather comfortable bed.

His mind felt rather slow and he was unsure how he had gotten here. These thoughts felt irrelevant compared to the growing need to cool down. Looking around again he spotted a window and lit up at the snow visible outside.

He felt magnetised to the guaranteed cold and started the process of getting out of bed. He grinned at managing to stand up but it faltered at how far the window was. Psyching herself for the trip he started walking towards his destination, occasionally stumbling on his way. He realised he didn't have his top or scarf on and started looking for his missing clothes.

He had managed to locate where his scarf was and briefly considered grabbing it, but he ultimately decided against it. It looked safe enough here and he currently had more important things to do. He preened when he finally reached the window and managed to push it open with no issue. The cold breeze felt wonderful on his bones but it still wasn't enough for him.

The window wasn't that high so he grabbed the edge and used his wings to give him an extra lift to jump out. The landing wasn't perfect but he didn't break anything, so he counted it as a win. While tempted to lie in the snow by his feet it wasn't enough to cover him completely. He was sure the snow would be deeper further away from here and therefore he could get cooler even quicker!

As he walked away his mind kept alerting him to something being wrong. He usually wouldn't ignore this but he was currently feeling too hot to care about anything else. He chirped in glee when he found a deep pile of un-disturbed snow and felt his wings flutter at the promised cold. He sunk into the white perfection and sighed at the chill starting to penetrate his bones. When he felt slightly cooler he sat up and was pleased at how much easier it was to do so then before.

He finally realised he never found a top to wear in the room he awoke in and looked down at his bare rib cage in puzzlement. His fingers poked at a black coloured wound and he was surprised it didn't hurt. He couldn't quite remember where it came from but he did remember a scythe being the cause. He was content to ignore it and instead started to play in the surrounding snow.

He sculpted small figures of monsters he had met and trilled at the number he had made. He heard the crunching of snow and sensed two SOULS coming near, but as he felt no ill intent he let them be. He hummed as he made more figures and ignored when two beings decided to sit near him.

He did react when he felt their magic start to lightly surround him. He puffed his wings in displeasure and glared at the two monsters. His expression changed to confusion when he looked them over. They reminded him of Dream and Nightmare but their SOULS barely resembled their variants. He quickly spotted that they both had wings as well and discreetly compared them to his own.

This 'Nightmare' variant had dark purple wings with specks of white scattered throughout. He watched as a boned tail seemed to appear out of thin air and curled around the sitting monster. Looking up he admired the pure white antlers and the unique shape they formed. They seemed to curl together to create a crown around the other's skull. He had never seen a skeleton monster with so many extra features before, making him excited at seeing something new.

Content with his observation he switched to the other skeleton and cooed at the deep copper colour of their wings. They seemed uniform in colour but suited the other well. He didn't spot any other additions to his disappointment but was curious why they looked like this in the first place.

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