Chapter 123- (Underverse Copy-126)

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Error barely tolerates anyone and this new tiny abomination does not help matters at all. Why does he have to sort everything out?!


Underverse Copy-126

Error was enjoying his solitude in the AntiVoid, knowing it was the one place that most sane monsters avoided. Sure it might not be great to look at and was a place that could slowly drive you insane but the peace from not being around abominations, made it truly worth it in his opinion.

He still had his magic to form windows to watch his favourite AU's at least and to steal items from the nearest abomination, so really it was perfect for him.

He really regretted the stupid Truce though, as everyone was far too 'social' for his liking. Even abomination 3, who kept insisting they were called Blue, tried to make him go out more. He had no idea what he was thinking when he took them to the AntiVoid years ago but he deeply regretted not dusting them then. How they thought they were friends was baffling and he mentally put them in the same category as the Squid. It's a miracle they reached adulthood with their naivety.

How the multiverse thought that Ink was a leader or someone to look up to in any way, was a mystery, just proving that all abominations needed to be wiped out. He thought the golden abomination was more of a babysitter for Ink than anything useful but at least they were slightly less annoying then their grumpy twin, who just didn't understand when to quit it.

He did not want to join their group and he was going to dust one of their pets, if they tried asking again!

..he guessed that the Truce wasn't all bad though. He didn't have to deal with screams every time he went outside anymore, nor had to deal with Ink too often. Of course the idiot still didn't know the meaning of self restraint and kept creating, despite knowing it would collapse their multiverse.

People wondered why he was so antisocial. Try dealing with the Creator for centuries and you will find your tolerance of others rather low as well. If anything he thought he should get a medal for his restraint! That he hadn't dusted the idiot and only maimed them, was a miracle in itself.

..God he hated the soulless creature, who he knew only really looked out for themselves.

He pitied the multiverse who really thought this Truce would last. He was banking on it lasting a decade at most before Squid decided to 'spice things up' again. You would think the Sans alternative would at least be wary after dealing with Flowey but even they bought into the 'happy go lucky' Creator mask.

Idiots, the lot of them. He was currently torn between two options of letting the multiverse collapse now or wait, just to see the betrayal on the abomination's face..what was he saying. Of course he would wait. The entertainment was going to be great!

It's not like he would die in the end nor would Ink sadly but it would still be fun. That is what being a true God entailed, not the cheap knockoffs in Reapertale that Ink had made when they were feeling bored.

"ERROR! How dare you go against the rules!"

..what did the psycho want now? He teleported to the side, just managing to avoid Inks paint.

" Leave me alone, Squid. I'm having a break "

He grit his teeth as Ink summoned Gaster Blasters, annoyed at the surprise fight. He just wanted to be left alone, why was this so difficult for others to understand?!

"No! You are coming with me"

" Like hell i a-SQUID! "

He growled as he fell in an ink portal, hating this with a fiery passion. They always made his glitches feel worse and he knew the idiot knew that as well. He had little time to look around, only able to notice that he was in the stupid Council building, before Ink threw more magic bones at him.

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