Chapter- 115 (Forced Gods Multiverse)

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Things are slipping away, something has changed and dad is acti...

Everything is fine! EvErYthIng is FiNe. EveRyThIng ̵̖͈̞̹̥̗̖̙̙̃̔̿́̌Į̴̟͇̬̪̞̏̓̅̎ṡ̵̨̜͎̠͖̘̖̮͖̪̞͇̗̚͜ ̶̢̼͈̱̜̠͕̤͚̮̮͔͔̉͌̓͂̎͘̚͜ͅF̷̳̭̯̠͇̲̗͂̒͊͂̽̎̌̕͠i̵̧̡̳̩̘͍̳̺͔͉͑͒̓̃͠N̴̢̢̯͉̩̳͕͒̀̎̓̂̈͒͒̕͠ĕ̸̝̺̦̳̆͘


Forced Gods Multiverse

Playing with Colour and Mono was great!...even if he now had a slither of doubt of their true intentions but even now he was still worried about them. He just couldn't cut them off, like his dad was suggesting, much to their visible disappointment. He knew he could come across as naive but he didn't want to just shut everyone out in fear like he did...had he ever done that before?

Shaking that thought off he looked over at his friends, hoping they would soon share their worries. Whenever he tried asking what was wrong, they insisted it was nothing.

..Was he just reading them wrong?


It was another day waiting for Mono to come and get him, from where Colour dropped him off. It was rather earlier than usual but with the dark circles under his friends' sockets he stayed silent, wishing they would tell him the truth of what was bothering them.

He was currently sitting on the ground, playing with the stone his dad recently got him. Holding it to the light he smiled at how it sparkled, wondering if his dad would get him more if he asked.

"That's a nice stone you have there. Where did you get it?"

He looked up at the monster he had sensed a while ago, chirping in surprise at their wings. He stood up and got closer to their floating form, spreading his wings to see if it matched theirs. He pouted when he realised how much smaller his were but still admired theirs.

"My dad! I like your wings!"

"Your wings are even prettier. Much nicer than my pure black ones"

He blushed at the compliment, hiding his face in his scarf before looking over them in curiosity. He had never met a monster like them before and their magic felt very similar to his own....His fingers twitched when he saw their feathers, really wanting to touch them. He chirped as they lowered their wings to his reach, gently touching the black feathers, cooing at how soft they were.

He whined when they pulled back, their blank sockets looking at him strangely.

"Sorry kid. I have to go. Nice meeting you"

He waved goodbye, looking forward to telling his dad all about this later. He rarely met other winged monsters, so this was exciting!

When the day ended he informed his dad, who was smiling wider than they had ever before. They praised him, saying they were so very proud of him. He had been very confused but happily enjoyed the cuddles, thinking this was just another weird adult thing.


" Stay still! This won't hurt a bit, Colour "

"I know you are lying, Mono! Stay away"

"Dream! Get out of my way"

"I will not let you destroy the AU brother!"

Karma intently watched the fight, taking in everything he could. He had not seen both sides fight often and had been rather shocked when one day Mono had suddenly attacked Colour, but thanks to visiting that weird String multiverse he could see the issue much clearer than before.

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