Chapter 117 - (The Truth part 1)

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404 had been alone for a very long time and had been close to giving up on life..that was until he found the perfect child~



404 had been alone in the AntiVoid for a very long time. Time seemed meaningless when all attempts to create his home had been useless. He had watched the Omniverse blankly, just waiting for it all to end, feeling he had nothing left to look forward to.

He was unsure when he started to look at family's but by the time he realised he was unable to stop, watching several small family units almost obsessively. Every time he tried to look away he would suddenly be entranced by what a certain family member did, making him hooked yet again.

404 thought that would be it, just watching family units for the rest of his existence but suddenly an idea was planted in his mind. What if he started his own family? He might not have his AU but he could start a new life, even if his chosen mate was no longer with him. His SOUL ached in grief at the pain he feared would never leave him but he persevered.

He might be unable to even consider choosing a new mate..but a child ? Now that was much easier to handle but it couldn't just be any random one, they had to perfect . His search lit a new fire in him, making a spark of life return to his once dull eyelights, with finally having a goal in mind.

It could have been decades he sat in the white place, searching relentlessly through the Code for the perfect child but he suddenly paused when he found the one. He opened a window to get a closer look and instantly fell in love when a single bright white eyelight lit up for the first time, focusing on their surroundings in interest. He was unsure why this one, out of the millions of others, caught his interest but he did not mind, merely watching as the newborn drank magic from their carrier in interest.

He watched as they grew in fascination, spending all of his time watching them. It was a good thing he was powerful otherwise he would have died long before he got the chance to meet them. His SOUL grew warm as he watched their achievements but so did the longing. He had been very tempted to just take them but seeing how young they were he hesitated. He knew how much care babybones needed and this one was still far too young to be away from their carrier.

With one last look he forcibly closed the window, even if it felt like he was ripping apart his SOUL to do so. How could he consider ripping the child away from their family? He knew his mate would have been disgusted with him at the mere thought, so he held back and looked away, feeling as if the AntiVoid was filling his SOUL with nothingness.

Time passed and his self imposed restraint weakened, causing him to open a window to check them over again. He paused when he saw them and checked over the Code, very sure it had been longer than a few years. He frowned when he realised how long it had been, looking back at the babybones in puzzlement.

...Why did the babybones look only slightly bigger than before?

His frown deepened as he observed how their day went, confused where their carrier was. Surely they still needed magical feeding but as he watched, nothing changed. They rarely interacted with others and when they did he was unnerved at the blank expression on their face.

Where was the babybones he had first seen? The one who was full of life, not this ghost of a shell that seemed to be going through life on autopilot. This reminded him more of a monster on the verge of Falling Down than anything else. That caused a momentary source of panic until he looked at their Code and found no such issue, but he blanched at their stats..not to mention their HOPE value.

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