Chapter 131- (Curse Multiverse)

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Oneiro might have allowed Karma to go exploring but that didnt mean he wasnt watching over them as well...just in case~


Between Omniverses

Oneiro sighed as his child left, smoothly opening a portal to observe them. He knew some independence was good for them but he felt like they were pushing themselves far too much and too quickly. He didn't expect them to 'get over' what they had been though, considering he himself was still seething at what had happened.

At least Nix would be with them and the multiverse they chose might look bleak but it was rather calm. It only had a small 'quirk' but he felt that would only work out for his child, in the long run.

It was rather fascinating how in the 'Curse' multiverse that none of the Balancers could touch mortals, without ill effects. It surprisingly helped to make the place calmer, the Balancers actually wanting to get along with each other, smartly not wanting to alienate the few beings who could be around them safely.

There were still so many crazy rumours in that multiverse though, due to such a small 'quirk'. Calling the Balancers 'cursed' or his personal favourite 'Fey', was so very amusing.

What the more simple minded came up with, could be endlessly entertaining.~

He sighed when he focused back on his portal, watching how overexcited the Dream variant got when Karma accidently bumped into them. He had contacted the Balancers of that place that that his child would be visiting, how one of them forgot already was baffling.

Although, this Dream didn't look like the smartest one in the bunch..

He smiled when he saw Nix lead Karma to a portal, getting his child away from the crowded street. His child didn't need to know about the conversation he had with their familiar, which had been an odd experience but Nix could be surprisingly expressive with no words.

Their judgemental look had been rather impressive but they had reluctantly agreed not to tell his child how much he was watching, knowing it was to help Karma in the end.

He was tempted to go and read a book but paused when he felt the bond with Karma pulse.

Curse Multiverse

He instantly teleported to his child at sensing their high distress, automatically kicking the Nightmare away, only remembering at the least minute to not kill them. He still needed them, even if they were being far too overzealous.

" What , are you doing?~"

"I w-was going to take them out of the collapsing AU"

Oneiro checked over his unconscious child, nuzzling them when they let out a whine. Nix let out a truly fearsome hiss towards the corrupted Nightmare, Oneiro impressed at the flinch it caused but he supposed it was understandable. He had seen the damage their claws could do, as could be attested to the many pillows that were shredded whenever Karma was upset.

"I told you all that he could survive the AntiVoid. Does no one remember what I said?~"

He muttered darkly at the sheer idiocy he was surrounded by. He had planned long ago to take his child to this multiverse, having made sure it would be safe for them to be in but with them wanting to go by their own, a few changes in plans were needed.

He stared at the stuttering monster, sighing at being stuck with idiots.

"...Just open a portal to your home. I will deal with the rest~"

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