Chapter- 87 (FGOC Multiverse)

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'Ink' panics and does something spontaneous, that he instantly regrets.
Nova is unimpressed by Karmas new 'friend' and makes sure to show it.


FGOC Multiverse

'Ink' was hardly surprised when the following days Oneiro locked themselves and Karma in their room, even if Sans seemed to be at a loss at why this was occuring. He felt no urge to enlighten the others on the obvious, so mainly passed by the closed door, making sure he could still sense that Karma was alive.

His path stuttered on the third day as he felt no one in the room. When he pushed it open he had to instantly stop, due to the potent magic he could sense. It reminded him of Error but it felt much more malicious then he was used to....He would give it a day before he truly worried where they had gone.

He tried to cheer himself up with the thought of Sans' reaction to monsters leaving, without saying anything to them and felt a smile form on his face.

He was surprised that at the end of the day he passed by Oneiro, who had an unusual look in their eyelights and was covering Karma in their wings. He tried to sneak away but froze at the wrathful look in their eyelights, that was soon snuffed out when they saw him.

"Oh. It's only you. See you, Creator. Have a good night~"

..what was that about?


The next day he could hear a commotion occurring outside, so opened the window in his room to watch what was going on. He hummed in curiosity at everyone being outside but his gaze never wavered from the babybones in the garden, standing opposite Wine.

He leaned forward in interest but grimaced as Reds voice spoke up.

"Why didn't you pick me? I am way more powerful than all these idiots"

"That is rather easy to answer, Red. You see I would feel the uncontrollable urge to kill you before you even summoned any magic, but you are more then welcome to test me~"

'Ink' burst out laughing at that comment, almost tempted to push Red to confront Oneiro later. It would liven things up and get rid of the loudmouth at the same time. He was a bit disappointed when Edge dragged his brother inside but perked up at Oneiro speaking up.

"Now Karma. This will be slightly different to what you saw before, as your SOUL will not be brought out~"

"Why not?"

Why not, indeed. He knew there was something off with Karma's health but was still clueless at what exactly it was. He still hasn't found a good time to CHECK them, especially with others getting in the way.

"It can make it easier to control new magic when the SOUL isn't outside"

He tilted his head and looked at Wine in curiosity. So the other had a better idea, did they? He could admit he had gotten a bit lax with knowing what health conditions monsters could get but with his 'job' he hardly had time to deal with such small issues.

He was impressed at how smoothly Wine initiated the Encounter and was curious if Karma would be able to use their Judge magic at all. He had only ever witnessed it when they were panicked so far. He watched Karma startle at the Encounter before looking at their options in confusion.

"What do I do now?"

"Press the CHECK button. It is always a good start"

This time he looked at Wine features, spotting the quick look of upset before it was expertly hidden but not fast enough for him to miss.

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