Chapter 37- (Raven Multiverse)

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The Traveller (by FireHedgehog)  in Chapter 34 : visits Karma before this chapter 

A celebration turns sour and Karma is very disappointed


Karma grinned at finally being able to ask this Reaper for help. Well, he didn't get to ask directly but Raven had been more than happy to deliver a letter. It was probably better this way, as he was unsure he would be able to keep his nerve in person. It had been a week with no reply but he wasn't giving up! Patience was key especially with being so close to his wish.

Oddly enough whenever that thought of the plan popped up, his hand automatically moved to the strange pin he had found a few days ago. He loved how it sparkled in the light and it even looked like a mini cookie! He never found out who it came from but he felt slightly less alone, after he had added it to his scarf.

They were going out today as there was a birthday celebration for Raven. He didn't mind the other but hardly knew him or his brother much. Dream had supervised more visits to other AU's but apart from that he usually visited Nightmares caste. He didn't mind as he was always allowed around the books.

A tingling sensation went down his spine, making his head tilt in consideration. Something big was going to happen today, he knew he would be needed.

He made sure to wear the outfit he had entered the multiverse in and looked longingly at the cat onesie. He would have loved to wear it but Dream had insisted he wear something nicer. He should have asked Ink to make more of them but it was too late now.

He watched as Ink sprinted around the house, grabbing all the supplies he had made for the party. Why the other couldn't have made them at the location was puzzling. A large ink puddle was made, with Ink throwing the items in before grabbing him and jumping in.

He clung tight and hoped the portals exit was close to the ground. He had too much experience with the Creator's forgetfulness to not be wary. The landing was surprisingly smooth and he was impressed someone had already moved the created items. Looking around he was shocked at how many monsters there were for a single monster's celebration.

"It's mainly to save face. No one wants to annoy Reaper".

He chirped at Nightmare in greeting and was easily extracted from Inks hold, by the others tentacles. He was happier when they got further away from the crowded area.

Nightmare walked to the edge of the clearing where it was much nicer. The quiet was peaceful and he loved observing the view.

The stars were always visible here and were never hidden. In his earliest memories he remembered crying when realising how different the stars looked, compared to his previous life. The stars used to be a source of resentment as they showed how far away he was from his previous life. Now they were a comfort that even when he changed, new stars would greet him in his life as well.

" I'll take over baby bird duty. Your idiots are about to annoy Red. I'd sort that out before a fight breaks out ".

He was placed on the ground, watching as Nightmare cursed about not getting a break. Looking over at Error he saw they never looked away from the stars, so he happily watched as well.

"The star to the far left has many stories you know. The most common is the bear and the wolf. Want to hear?"

The stories didn't seem to end and Error even started pointing out more, even without prompting. He listened but he was distracted by the pull that was growing stronger as time went on. His wings quivered in excitement at what was about to occur. Good thing he was near his target as well.

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