Chapter 60- (X-Bitty Multiverse)

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Novas new 'volunteer' is horrified at all the changes that have been happening. Karma is having a great time


X-Bitty Multiverse

Nova hadn't wasted any time and as soon as the details were sorted, he had picked up Karma and brought them to the new multiverse. He was currently by himself, as he had just dropped Karma off at a bitty centre, hoping this worked as he had planned.

Bitties were rather tiny monsters but needed a monster or human to bond to. They absorbed the energy a large being naturally gave and and usually adored their 'owners'.

Karma had looked to be in heaven, when they had seen the tiny creatures and he could see Oneiro was already considering stealing them all, just to make the Godling happy. He had laughed at the other but knew he would help if they decided to do it.

He opened a portal to the AU he needed and whistled at how it had already been destroyed. Thankfully the monster he needed was still here and he wandered over, making no effort to hide his presence.

" Hello, Cross. I will free you from this place, for a price "

Cross variants were usually morally uptight at points but could swing wildly from one end to the other. It was what made them so attractive to the apple twins, as their emotions could be intense on both ends of the spectrum.

A wonderful food source as well as a toy soldier to command. This one was perfect, as he hadn't been tainted by either side yet. A monster that was truly neutral and powerful enough to meet his standards.

He sniggered at the alarm on their skull when they heard his voice.

" I just need you to look after my Godling for me, just for a while "

"Say no Cross. We aren't babysitters! If you accept, this will be the lowest you have ever gotten"

" I'll even get rid of the cockroach attached to you, as a bonus "

He grimaced at the high pitched whining from the Chara and saw that Cross wasn't going to do anything about this. He had known how pathetic they would be to begin with but he was still irritated at them acting as a doormat. He started summoning his strings, not waiting for a reply to his helpful suggestion.

" You can't get rid of me! I'm staying and Cross is too use-"

He surrounded the leech in his strings and easily ripped them apart. It had never been a part of the plan to let them stay but he was trying this 'generosity' thing he had heard about. He decided he didn't like it and was baffled how others encouraged it.

A thump alerted him that Cross had been a bit more affected then he had expected, from the abrupt SOUL surgery...whoops.

The look of horror on the others' faces was unwarranted, as were the cries they let out, begging for Chara to come back. Ugh, he should have let Oneiro deal with this.

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