Chapter- 113 (Forced Gods Multiverse)

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Karma meets with Colour again and does some painting...he still feels dad is being weird again.


Forced Gods Multiverse

Karma waved goodbye to his dad much easier the next day, looking forward to seeing the animals again, so was very surprised when Colour suddenly turned up.

"What's that look for? I did promise to meet you again"

They might have but he didnt think the very next day, especially considering their role. Surely they were far too busy for him.

"I remember you saying you enjoyed painting so I thought we could do that today! We can even do it in Outertale"

He wanted to protest this plan but suddenly a static portal formed underneath him, dropping him into Monos' arms with Colour soon appearing, glaring at the black boned skeleton. Looking around he noticed all the stars, feeling a smile form at being here again, even if it was rather sudden.

"Mono! I wasn't done telling them everything yet"

" You were being too slow. I thought i was going to die of old age at this rate "

"..but we are immortal?"

" You cannot be this stupid "

"Why are you always so mean to me?!"

" I dunno. It must be one of life's mysteries, on par with your stupidity "

Karma giggled at the face Colour made, causing the two monsters to look at him. Mono smirked widely, while Colour pouted but he saw the star shapes in their sockets.

"Mono. You should let Karma down. We need to do some art!"

" Urgh. More creations "

"You can leave if you want"

" And leave you alone with an impressionable babybones? Who knows what you will teach them. You definitely need supervision "

Karma was soon let down, of course only after more squabbling from the two and was shown a large canvas that had been set up where they had been yesterday. He was rather confused, which only got worse when Colour showed off all the art supplies.

"I am not sure this is a good idea, Colour"

"Why not? This will be great fun! Just one large piece we do together"

Karma looked away, fiddling with his scarf, quietly voicing out his issue.

"..I'm not a good artist"

Especially not compared to a Creator. He thought it was embarrassing for him to even try to be on the same level as them, having a brief thought that Colour was making fun of him. Maybe dad would let him stay in the AntiVoid while they were busy.

He jumped as an arm wrapped around his shoulders, looking up at Colours eye shapes in uncertainty.

"You don't need to be. We are just doing this for fun..I thought you would enjoy this? We can always do something else, Karma"

He felt at war with himself but seeing all the effort Colour had put into this he quietly asked to paint. He watched as Colours smile grew as they led him to the canvas, pointing out all the paints they had.

He stood in front of the canvas, watching as Colour started to add pinks and yellow to the upper half, so he decided to add some animals! He happily added the white cat he saw yesterday and the dog, before deciding he should just add all the ones he had ever met.

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