Chapter- 99 (NeRd & JoCk Multiverse)

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Karma is in a much quieter multiverse and is finally reunited with one of his bonds


NeRd & JoCk Multiverse

Karma fully woke up to a hand stroking his skull and he purred at the familiar magic, pleased his idea had worked.

" Good luck, little glitch. You won't be alone for long, so stay put "

When he opened his sockets he realised that he was in an alleyway with Error standing over him. When they saw him awake, Error walked through a glitchy portal before it soon disappeared, making him whine. He sat on the ground and spread out his magic, scrunching his face at the SOULS he could sense. Why were they so faint?

It felt just like when he was with Asy, with the magic somehow even more insignificant and there were even no Balancers here. His role was very pleased by this fact but that just put him more on edge. It was so just so calm !

Especially compared to the crazy that was the last multiverse. He might have felt he was drowning in it but this was just as bad. His instincts were on edge, waiting for something to go wrong.


He hissed at the voice but paused as he spotted someone who looked like Pale. They had pink eye lights but they were much darker then he had ever seen before. He stopped hissing but stayed in place, unsure if this was really someone he knew and not another imposter.



Karma was pretty sure you couldn't fake a bond and he lifted his arms happily, pleased they were coming closer to him. He chirped in surprise when he was covered in a blanket and picked up, held closely to their chest.

"Rest now. I will sort everything out, mine"

He basked in the bond and nuzzled into their neck, purring as the blanket covered his skull, blocking out the light. Their movement rocked him to sleep and he sleepily chirped, before falling asleep. He was still so tired from when he helped Error but he was really happy Pale was here.


Karma woke up on something warm that was slightly vibrating. He was pleased at not sensing any SOULS near him but it was only thanks to the bond he had that he realised he was lying on Pale.

"Good morning, mine"

Karma yawned before sitting up, Pales hands helping to steady him. Looking around he was bewildered at being in a living room and looking down at Pale, he noticed them wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt. He had never seen them wearing things like this before...

"It's from Template. They have a lot of clothes for when they cosplay. I have some for you too"

He rubbed his sockets and tried to get up but squeaked as he was held tight in Pales arms, before they stood up.

"You can explore later. You need a wash"

Karma wanted to protest but looking at his clothes, he realised just how much dust was sticking to them. Even his wings looked rather grey. He supposed he had been spending a lot of time with Grillby and UnderFell wasn't exactly a peaceful place.

He was placed on the bathroom floor, rather surprised at how large the bath was.

"I made sure it would accommodate your wings. Get undressed while I start the bath. Do you want bubbles?"

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