Chapter- 116 (Forced Gods Multiverse)

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Oneiro has been looking for his missing child for months but finds a whole new problem when he finally finds them


Chaos Couple Multiverse

Oneiro had been searching for months for his child, alarmed when they had not been in their room. He had left for a minute at most and was a tad worried where Pale had gone too, knowing they would have never left Karma voluntarily. The dust on the ground had only raised his fear.

He had tried their bond straight away, scowling as it was blocked by something. This did seem like it had been planned, as he did not hear Karma call for him at all. Even the bed looked like his child merely climbed out and he wasn't able to sense any foreign magic.

When his new 'strays' had come in the room he had flared his magic, eyeing them in suspicion but not able to sense any emotions apart from confusion from them. He bared his teeth in annoyance before leaving, not sticking around for his new 'family'. He needed to find his child, already dreading what they had gotten into now.

?? Multiverses

Days turned into weeks but when months passed his patience was close to snapping. Still no sign of Pale and nothing on his child, Oneiro could feel his LOVE begging to come out again but he resisted. He needed his mind sharp for this.

Of course he didn't resist all his urges. The trail of dust he left behind was clear enough on that. Some monsters were just too slow in answering his questions.

His journey felt like it lasted years and he grew suspicious he was being led somewhere, as he felt an odd magic in the air. He stopped at the edge of a multiverse where he felt the magic originate from, grimacing at feeling a Deity's presence. It took him far too long to recognise them but when he did he was very tempted to run the opposite direction as fast as he could.

Many knew FATE but he thought that CHAOS was so much worse. They made little sense and what they found 'entertaining' could be rather painful for the recipient...but at the same time this was his best clue to where his child was. With a shaky breath he stepped in, shivering at the amused feeling in the air that nearly overwhelmed him.

He really hated Deity's.

Forced Gods Multiverse

Now, Oneiro knew Deity's could be rather possessive of what they considered theirs, so was feeling rather on edge as to why he had been led here.

" Who are you? "

"None of your business~"

Oneiro was not interested in whatever this Error they had to say, growling when they teleported in front of him. He was far too on edge to deal with anyone right now.

" Chill out. It was just a question. Why so uptight? You are worse than Nightmare.. "

Oneiro tensed at the comparison, coldly looking down at the other Destroyer.

" Do you want a fight? I'm up for it "

"A fight? That is far too simple for what i'm going to do to you ~"

He prepared to dust this monster, hoping to relieve some stress, jumping back when a row of ink bones stabbed the ground where he had been standing. He scowled at the most likely Creator, it getting more severe when he sensed they were soulless. They could be such a pain to deal with.

"Mono! This is no time to play. Have you forgotten that Karma is waiting for you?"

Oneiro twitched at the name, zeroing in on the soulless monster, all previous worries about Deity's being swept away. He prowled towards them, smirk widening at a possible clue.

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