Chapter 26- (SwapVerse Multiverse)

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Template loves being a hero! This new monster only adds to the script


SwapVerse Multiverse

Template started his life in a pure white space, he later learned was called the Antivoid. He sat in the space with no idea why he was here or who exactly he was. In time he started playing with the only thing around, his magic. He loved watching it float in front of him and was curious what else it could do. One day he managed to make a screen that peaked into a different place.

He was intrigued and tried to do it again. He ended up opening hundreds of these 'windows' into drastically different scenes. He watched in fascination as monsters went about their daily lives. He perked up when he noticed monsters that even had a similar shape to him. He wanted to see more, so personally started visiting these places. The new places available to him seemed endless, sparking his wonder further.

He made sure to never be seen, as he was still shy about trying to talk to another. This cycle continued till he saw a monster in distress. With no thought he helped, then left soon after. He watched through a window and preened at the praise that was given to him. He loved watching all these universes and decided he would keep them safe, from any who tried to end them.

He started trying to make his own AU's with his Code, glitching things into existence. It wasn't his favourite thing to do, as he preferred observing the inhabitants of other worlds.

That is how he spent his time while sitting in the Antivoid. He watched and learned all the facts about each monster present. His curiosity grew when he saw a new character enter a AU. He watched this skeleton monster look around before jumping in an inky puddle. He used his power over Code to find out where they went and that is how he discovered other multiverses.

He was dazzled at watching the Protector named Ink, defend AU's against various enemies. They were a true hero and Template greatly admired that. He looked at their outfits and tried to emulate them, but used his favoured colours instead. He even made a large pen to emulate Broomie, which he saw the Creator use.

He practised his skill in Creation and was pleased at how quick he became at it. He was truly a Creator now and not an 'evil' being or a glitch. He even practised to be more like Ink and less shy around others.

He would be a true hero and he soon spotted his future enemy. He had been puzzled when his windows only showed white, where he knew AU's had been before, until he finally spotted a monster that looked like Ink. Teleporting towards their location he saw major differences as even their expressions were dull. He had come too late to save this universe but when they looked at him, he saw that their eyelights had changed from pure white to red.

They snarled at him and attacked him, with no pattern or reason. He managed to escape but would be more wary next time. From repeated fights he realised that the others' magic helped them gain emotions, from 'eating' AU's. He could understand why they did it but he could not allow them to ruin his stories. So many would be lost if he didn't stop them.

He was thrilled at the battles and all the times he got to save the many monsters from harm. He had many chances to destroy the monster named Pale, but he resisted. Who would he have to fight if he had no enemy? A hero needs a villain afterall to be truly appreciated. He was happy with this routine, of fighting and watching his AU's, when he felt a change in his multiverse.

Something new had been added but just as quickly disappeared. Was there an issue with the Code? He ignored it but would keep a sharper eye, if it happened again. The next day he felt Pale absorbing another universe, so appeared with his super cool pose and started to scold the other.

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