Chapter- 89 (S̷̲͗ṯ̶̇̅ringVerse)

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Karma is dropped off with another stranger and is not happy when his nap is disturbed or how warm it is.



While Negative was amused by the babybones he knew they wouldn't be staying with them. They all enjoyed the freedom of moving around and taking a child along was just too dangerous. Also, he needed to track Sol down to show his appreciation of dropping a child upon them with no warning.

He knew it was a mistake to have not killed the pest earlier.

" Let's go, guys. I'm getting a tad bored of this place '

The AntiVoid might be a useful point, for them to meet up and stalk their next multiverse but they were currently not doing any of that, too focused on the new oddity. He had no clue what their name was, as they refused to say, and even Tail was bewildered by their mess of Code, so they had no luck there either.

He hefted the babyones in his arms and waited for Tail to open the portal needed. The multiverse they chose just happened to not only be the closest to them but also one with interesting rumours. He had heard that this Destroyer was one of the more powerful of the lot and it was said they had the magic to easily rip apart someone or fully restore a being to full health.

It sounded all like lies to him, as he could feel the energy surrounding this place, indicating it was paid close attention to by a Deity. It was most likely a forced Destroyer, which Negative knew always amused Scar to see.

"It's done"

Negative nodded and walked through, always impressed how Tail knew which AntiVoid was part of what multiverse. It all looked like the same dull white to him but he guessed being able to manipulate Code made this process trivial to do.

"Where is he? I'm not missing a chance to laugh at how pathetic they are"

Negative sighed at Scars words and was thankful a glitchy portal soon opened up, so he wouldn't have to listen to more whining on the subject. As soon as a tattered black boned skeleton stepped through, his grin grew and his tentacles swayed at the potent negativity from the other. Such a pathetic creature but they would be so easy to coerce.

" Why hello, Thread . Lovely place you have here. So sorry for crashing in "

Karma was very confused and he hated it. He had no idea where he was or why they were talking to a Destroyer. Looking up at Negative he was bewildered at how different they acted towards this new being. They were much harsher and they almost felt like an entirely different being.

He looked around and when he bent his skull back, he cooed at the pretty puppets hanging up. He liked meeting Destroyers with this hobby, always in awe of the creations they made.

He was surprised most Creators never fully realised how artistic some Destroyers could be..or perhaps they just didn't care. Thinking back on the many ones he had met he could see either option being likely.

" So glad you agree! This is your problem now. Please try not to kill it. I know how good you are at that "

Karma squawked as he was given over to the Destroyer, who was looking rather horrified at having to hold him.

" See you, baby apple. Make sure to give Thread lots of trouble "

"Bye, kiddo! We are off to hunt down, So-"

" Shut up! Just get in the portal..i can't take you anywhere. Why can't you be more like, Tail?"

" I am a delight to be around! Isn't that right, Tail?"

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