Chapter 141- (?? Multiverse)

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Karma wants a little break from all the well meaning adults and thinks creating a portal would be something fun to do!
The Bitties insist on coming and regret the decision least Karma is having fun?


?? Multiverse

"This is a terrible idea"


"I don't know, guys. Maybe it could be fun"

"Whose side are you on, Blot?!"

Karma had long ago tuned out the Bitties argument, still thinking his idea was great.

" You dont think it's a bad idea, do you Nix?"

The ghostly pale eyes of the Void cat narrowed, tail swishing in agitation and clear disapproval of their monsters 'plan'. They sneezed, giving one last look to the Bitties before deciding he needed to act and soon .

Karma sighed as he watched his familiar sprint back into the house, guessing they were going to grab an adult but he thought there was no need, everything was going to be fine .

He just wanted to do something fun by himself and while he loved seeing everyone again it was getting a bit much, so a little break would be perfect!

"They worry too much. I'm great at making portals! I just need a bit more practice is all."

The Bitties shivered in unison, unsure why a slither of dread crept into their SOULS at such innocent sounding words.

"So what if I've only done it successfully a handful of times. Practice makes perfect after all!"

Sunny did not like how any of this was sounding, instructing the other two Bitties to hold tightly onto Karmas scarf in proportion, when he saw the babybones begin to form a portal. He looked at the end product warily, the 'innocent' looking black portal resembled others he had witnessed in the past but the aura coming from it, was not comforting in the slightest.


Azure said shakily, the way Sunny had frozen and was looking at the portal like it was about to bite them and devour their SOULS, did not fill him with confidence. He was wary of even asking what exactly they had even sensed from it but was guessing it was nothing good with how pale they were becoming.

Karma gently pet the Bitties when they started to make odd noises, looking down at them in slight worry.

"Are you guys getting cold? Hungry perhaps? I can leave you inside if you want..."

He said unsurely, raising his magic so they could feed but grew more confused about what the issue was, when the Bitties still looked unhappy.

"It's ok. I can drop you off with dad before I go. I hope you guys aren't getting sick."

He said the last part in worry but could sense how healthy their SOULS felt, so didn't think it was that. He looked back at his portal and smiled, rather impressed how uniform it was considering he had not formed one in years.

Sunny choked back on hysterical laughter, holding tighter to Karmas scarf when they tried to gently coax him out. The kid clearly wasn't going to listen to them or understood their worry, still looking determined to still go through the..'portal' death/darkness/no HoPe and he refused to let them do it alone!

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