Chapter 155- ($% Multiverse)

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The currently nameless babybones is having a fun time and discovering so many new things.
Nix is stressed and would like things to go back to normal please





%^£$&@&* was having fun so far. The white place was kind of weird but having a kitty with him was nice, much better than the weird buzzing sound from above they screamed so much but he could never parse out their words.

He hummed as he wandered aimlessly..well, not fully randomly as Nix seemed to have a good idea where they should be heading. He didnt have much thoughts about his new companion, still marvelling at his funny wings as there really wasn't much else to look at in this place.

He was still playing the odd game to think of a new name, Nix having encouraged him to try and think of one for himself when he had vehemently denied the name 'Karma'.

That sounded like a weird name and filled him with unreasonable dread, so he had vetoed that early on.

"How about 'Sans'? That could be a cool name!"


"Ooo! What about 'Gaster'? That also resonates with me in a weird-"


"Hmm, what do you think of 'Geno'? It has a sort of refined sound to it-"


"You are very picky with what name i choose....then how about 'Traveller'?"

He looked over in confusion when Nix fur bristled and tail lashed side to side, turning to give them a very weird look. He kept the odd staring match and was very confused when their ears flattened when he didnt say anything more, shrugging it off as a weird feline thing.

The novelty of waking up was kind of wearing off though, especially when his game was cut short with Nix went oddly silent and not even piping in at his many suggestions. The name 'Ink' made them do a funny twitch though but 'Error' made them look like they were having a convulsion.

He sighed and went back to looking at the white, unsurprised when he saw nothing else and just kept on blindly following the funny kitty.

Although he refused to let go of his new toy scythe yet, gaining an odd comfort from simply holding it. He was just playing around with it when he noticed something absolutely fascinating when he swung it. It wasn't noticeable at first glance but he could see little 'tears' so to speak when he swung, completely distracted from following Nix and instead stopped to experiment.

He wasnt sure who but he was pretty sure someone said he should repeat tasks to get a viable hypothesis GaStEr knew So mUch so that is what he did. He placed his hands an equal distance apart on the handle and held the weapon up high before swinging down hard, grinning near ferally when he got a fun new result.

He seemed to have 'cut' into the white, only to reveal deep darkness that was beautiful as it was enticing. He didnt even think before he stepped through, lighting up in utter joy at the new place.

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