Chapter 43- (SevenSins Multiverse)

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Flying changes to something much more serious.

What does this strange Reaper want from Karma?


SevenSins Multiverse

Karma's mind kept playing back to the talk with Ink. He knew all the Powers looked out for each other but who would look out for him? He was sure he could slot himself a place into this life, but that didn't guarantee breaking the cycle he was living through. It would mean opening up fully and he didn't quite feel comfortable to do that yet. Shaking the dark thought off he instead smiled at what Ink had promised him they would do.

This was going to be the best day ever! Ink had finally allowed him to start flying again, as long as Ink was with him of course. He had been bursting with excitement all morning and he didn't even care that Ink was laughing at him.

"Ok, ok. Come over here and i'll take us there"

He happily ran towards them and clung on to their legs. As soon as Inks arms came around him he felt his surroundings change, making him perk up. He sensed no SOULS nearby and the weather was clear, perfect for flying. He felt the magic in the air shift as Inks wings appeared and screeched as he was thrown up to the sky. He managed to flap his wings to stay afloat and glared at Ink.

"Didn't you want to fly, my gem?"

His displeasure quickly disappeared and he started moving his head round, thinking where he should go. It seemed Ink grew bored of waiting and flew further up, making him almost lose sight of them. While it did look tempting to be higher he wanted to explore more of the land he was near. Beating his wings he got used to the feel of flying again and started gliding towards the mountains in the distance.

He didn't spot much around except for trees but he did have to avoid Ink, who was randomly swooping, trying to catch him. It had been fun to start with but he slowly started to feel his energy drain as it continued. Karma didn't want to say anything, as it had been too long since he had been flying and had no idea when he would get this chance again.

Instead of slowing down he started to push himself to be even faster than before. He was rather pleased at his speed, especially when Ink seemed to stay further away from him as time went by. When he noticed Ink hadn't tried to catch him in a while, he chirped in victory.

He enjoyed the slower flying and grew curious when he noticed a deep grey object, compared to the green scenery.

His curiosity peaked, making him fold in his wings, dropping like a stone to the ground. He laughed at the feeling and usually did this when he was alone, as for some reason it tended to alarm others. Just as the ground was getting too close he spread his wings and slowed down just in time. It strained his wings a bit too much and he realised he shouldn't have done that while he was still recovering.

Stretching his wings he winced at how stiff they felt and had to use his hands to fold them away. He was sad flying would have to be postponed but cheered himself up when he saw he was closer to the unusual object. Meandering closer he finally paid attention to the SOUL and categorised it as a Virtue. He had been around the others enough to be able to feel the subtleties now but he was sure he had never met this one before.

Up closer, what he now realised were wings he had spotted, they looked a lot like a pigeon's wings. They were still beautiful to him and he marvelled at the variety of colours he had seen in this world. He was kind of shocked the other hadn't moved with his arrival, as he wasn't quite with his arrival.

He finally got close enough to hear sounds coming from the wings, which were hiding the being underneath. Crouching down he managed to see through the small opening their wings didn't fully cover, spotting a being that looked like Cross.

"I'm terrible, I should be grateful for everything. Why am I like this? Why does Nightmare let me stay? I am a terrible Virtue—"

He tried to catch their attention by chirping but they seemed stuck in their mind. This looked like a rather sever breakdown and he was unsure what to do. Thankfully he felt NIghtmares SOUL making their way over, so stood up and walked away. No need to be present to someone's despair when he could do nothing. A shadow fell over him and as he looked up he saw NIghtmare fly past, towards where he left Cross.

He would leave it to him but now he would have to explore by ground, at least until his wings felt better. Looking around his thoughts began to wander. Cross magic kind of reminded him of monsters who are on the brink of losing control of themselves. It seemed these Powers could be rather influential to the others, more than he had been informed.

He could sympathise as his role was very similar. If he let it control him he would never rest and always be working to try and satisfy it. This was mainly due to the fact there is no such thing as a perfect balance and unlikely there ever would be. Any who say there was is a liar who was truly ignorant.

Humming to himself he looked around and shivered at how cold it was getting. He used his scarf to cover more of this skull, observing everything around him. He suddenly stopped when he realised he could no longer feel Ink near him. Just how long had it been since he had lost the other?

He was sure he would be found soon enough, so started walking again with no worries. He did see something peculiar as he kept moving. The further he went in the woods the more bare it became. When he felt his feet make crunching sounds on the ground he wasn't surprised at the dead grass.

He lit up when he found another Sin, stationary not too far away. He hadn't met many yet so this was his chance while Ink was gone. Running towards them he stilled when he saw who they were. It was Reaper but he didn't feel afraid this time. The SOUL was too different and the confidence he usually saw was nowhere present in their body language.

He crept closer and saw how their skull tracked each of his movements. The wings looked the same as most Reapers but as he stood in front of them, he noticed the red scattered in the feathers.

Just looking at their appearance made him feel tired, due to how ragged they looked. Their cloak had a multitude of missing parts and even the feathers were not as shiny as they should be. They feared he was about to see a monster fall down, if it wasn't for their immortal SOUL he could feel.

He twitched when they moved closer and stood still as their hands landed on his shoulders. His magic was twisting in warning and this felt like a turning point. He could easily turn away, as the hold wasn't tight but he was curious what would happen if he stayed.

Nothing felt right in this world and even the magic felt foreign. He was sure he could grow used to it but he wouldn't waste his hope on small possibilities.

"You have much you want, tiny crow. I can feel the envy you inspire in others and the desires you have. Such a powerful source, that I could easily keep for myself"

The words sounded ominous but Karma felt the hands on his shoulder get lighter. Like the other expected him to run as soon as he could, but he felt no fear. He could almost see destiny's touch in this moment, at the many paths this moment could lead him too. He only grinned in response and waited to see what the other would do now. He was almost looking forward to how his path would change, with this spontaneous decision.


*Cross having a panic attack*

Karma: I am not qualified for this. Good luck Nightmare!
*Meets a creepy Reaper*

Karma: Ooo, is this a secret Quest? What's my prize?

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