Chapter 59- (Momma CQ Multiverse)

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Karma is sent back to Asy. Nova meets Oneiro and a plan is hatched


Momma CQ Multiverse

Time passed and Oneiro finally felt comfortable in taking Karma back to that universe. He had chosen the perfect gift to get them and had used that SwapDreams circlet as a base for his idea. He had decided he needed to kill his variant, as they had spotted his child by accident and he hadn't liked the gleam that had entered their eyelights.

Thankfully the circlet stayed behind after their 'tragic' demise, as he had fed his magic, to replace the others' magic. Looking over their child he knew they wouldn't like anything too bulky and decided to simply shrink the circlet, making it perfect to be put on their ankle. He could sense their wariness at the item but thanks to his magic the item weighed nothing and even when he put it on them, it shouldn't feel like it was even there.

Karmas chirps of delight at how it felt it on and the gold shimmer it had, won them over. His child was so cute. Maybe he should call them his little magpie instead~.

He would have loved to keep them with him forever but he has a good feeling about this place and where it would lead his child. He would let his child explore more as they were both immortal, so there was no time limit. The best thing that had happened after the many months with Karma, was the parental bond he had formed with them. He hadn't even been trying when it had just snapped into place.

This would hopefully keep others of his type away...or encourage them even more. It was a 50-50 either way as he acknowledged, he himself was a hard being to predict. A surprising change was how he felt different when thinking about his darling~. He no longer felt as desperate to be near them or stalk them . Thinking about it longer he preferred directing his affection to Karma, who allowed it willingly, without even being forced!

The more serious reason for letting Karma go was needing to find someone to fix the issue he could sense in Karma. Their journey had led them to many powerful figures, so perhaps they would find a useful one on the way.

He would keep watch while searching himself, fearing how this could turn out otherwise. This place at least came with a powerful babysitter, while he could make sure to get stronger.


Asy was terrified when Buddy ran towards him, without Karma anywhere in sight. Just what had happened to fluffy?! The child might be a gremlin at points but they had never gone against the simple rule he had given them. Running in the direction he had last seen them he spotted Karma but was alarmed at seeing a cloaked figure near them.

The stranger must have seen him as they turned towards him, grinning creepily before vanishing into thin air. Ignoring that for now he kneeled in front of Karma, patting over their body making sure they were ok. They were shockingly healthier then he last saw them minutes ago and he was baffled at what the stranger had done.

"Karma....who was that?"

"I think they are my new parent"

Asy wheezed at the news, hoping Nova didn't take this badly. He was sure that the stranger was a Multiversal traveller, as their magic had been barely hidden and did not hide the sadistic amusement at his fear. He was surrounded by ass- UNRAD DUDES....he hated the child lock that had been placed over him.

It made him sound too much like the Parasite for this liking. His Nightmare might have said Fresh didn't feel emotions but that didn't stop them from 'playing' with him. There had been so many close calls of him nearly losing his SOUL and he never wanted the 'honour' of witnessing their true form ever again.

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