Chapter- 109 (Chaos Couple Multiverse)

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Karma decided he likes these odd Gasters and even gets to go swimming.


Chaos Couple Multiverse

Mafiatale AU

Pale had no preferences to what they did in the AU and instead kept watch on Karma, while they headed into a rather tall building. Thankfully it was rather empty at the moment but considering all the suspicious marks on the floor he could easily guess why.

The rest of this group had made sure to keep his child away from the more violent aspects, even if he was unsure as to why. He was pretty sure his child had no issues with those parts but perhaps this was another piece of information he was missing. He really needed to read more parenting books but he was pretty sure he had read all the ones in his multiverse...maybe the ones here would be more useful?

"How dare you attack the boss! Are you with the Gaster Family? We already warne-"

Pale quickly dusted the noisy monster behind him, before looking back at his child. He could only deal with one monologuing monster in his life and that was reserved for Template...and Karma of course, if they ever felt the need to do so. Once he wiped away the dust that got on his clothes, he observed Karma, who was exploring the room in fascination. He watched as they picked up a black hat and put it on, chirping happily.

"Look what i found, Pale! Isn't it cool?!"

"It's very nice. Why don't you go and show Oneiro?"


Pale had made sure to have a talk with Oneiro when Karma had been asleep, pleased at the open communication that had occured. He had learnt a lot more than he was expecting but it helped to settle his magic at least.

They sadly couldn't fight as they usually did, as neither wanted to leave Karma for long enough to do so. Especially considering the situation they had only recently resolved. That 'Parasite' was lucky that Oneiro got to it first, as he would not have been so merciful.

Looking back at his child he focused on the hat, recognising it from the mob boss they had recently given a 'visit' to. He was wondering just where the others had hidden the body, as he was sure humans didn't dust...but it had been a while since he dealt with one, so he could be wrong.

He didn't feel anything about his new 'parents' but they were rather interesting. His emotions were currently not that varied, as when Oneiro had grabbed him he had been in the middle of eating an AU. He should be fine a few more days before it got urgent but for now he would follow Karma around, dealing with any beings who thought to come near them.


"Look at this, Aster! It seems this Family was planning on raiding, Gasty. He will be so pleased when we tell him what we found"

Aster hummed at Top, more focused on the new additions to their family. Oneiro had looked thrilled at the group activity but he was unsure what to think of Pale. They were just so hard to read but he was hopeful he would get there one day.

However, his largest interest was on their new grandson, feeling a softness for the tiny babybones.

His grin widened as they popped into the room before heading towards Oneiro, clearly showing off their new accessory. He had already forgotten the name of the human that owned it previously..he thinks their name might have started with a letter B? All he knew was they were rather rude to his mate, so of course he had to retaliate.

He had summoned his Gaster Blaster 'Betel' in his anger, who was now cuddling next to him, watching the rest of the room with vigilance. When he saw the babybones looking their way he was tempted to un summon his friend, fearing he might scare his grandson. Surprisingly they perked up and ran over, looking over his Gaster Blaster in awe.

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