Chapter- 110 (Written Out Multiverse)

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Karma is briefly confused but then he is taken to meet another babybones. Maybe he will get a new friend out of this?

Thank you Firehedgehog for letting me play with your multiverse 😸

Multiverse based on Fanfic: Written Out by Firehedgehog 



Karma woke up feeling drained and like his body weighed a ton. He tried to bury himself in the covers but whined as that barely helped. Opening his sockets he was confused why everything was white but he was far too achy to care.

He just wanted his dad....

He shuddered as another wave of pain came over him and he whined in discomfort, sniffling in slight fear. He didn't remember how he got here and he realised he was lying on pillows, rather than the mattress he was on before. He felt terrible and he weakly chirped, when he heard someone coo at him.

"Oh little raven. You are looking so much better but you still need to rest~"

"Dad? I don't feel well.."

He chirped in surprise as he was lifted up but soon nuzzled into his dads coat, relaxing at being near someone he trusted.

"It's ok. I'll be here when you wake up. You can go back to sleep~"

Why was he sick again ? It hadn't been that long since his last illness! Surely he deserved a break. He whined unhappily as his dads chest suddenly spasmed, realising they were laughing.

"It doesn't quite work like that, little crow~"

..he said that out loud? Just how sick was he?! He slumped into his dads shoulder, finding their humming soothing. He soon fell asleep, hoping he would feel better the next time he awoke.

Opening his sockets was much easier the second time and this time he thankfully saw his dad immediately. While feeling better than before it still ached when he moved. He saw his dads skull turn towards him but was confused when they didn't get closer, even if he saw their hands twitch.

"Dad. Are you ok?"

"I-I'm fine. You should focus on getting better~"

Karma tried to make sense of the words but his headache surged, making him whimper. He pushed himself up, ignoring the way his dad was hovering over him in worry but most tellingly still not holding him. That would just not do. He was feeling terrible and he wanted comfort and he would get it!

"L-Little raven, you need to lay dow-"

"I love you, dad. I'm not scared of you"

He saw the way they froze, looking at him with some unknown emotion. He squeaked in surprise as he was soon in their arms but purred happily. He was very happy that it had worked, glad he had guessed right. He was getting so much better at communication!

He huffed in displeasure when they tried to put him down and felt smug when they soon gave up.

"While I am enjoying this, you still need to rest. You caught a rather bad cold, little raven~"

Karma grumbled and decided he was going to sleep right here. He didn't remember ever catching a cold this bad before..but he supposed he had a rough few months. He hummed in response, chirping when they adjusted him so he could rest more comfortably in their arms.

The next few days followed a similar pattern of waking up in his dads arms before soon falling back to sleep. He had little recollection of much else and was growing tired of not being able to stay awake for long.

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