Chapter 66 - (Fatal_Erro̸̠̔̑r̴͚̟̈́̋ Multiverse)

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Karma thinks this new monster isn't too bad, even if he has no idea who they are


Fatal_Erro̸̠̔̑r̴͚̟̈́̋ Multiverse

Goth felt chilled at the voice. He had no idea how they had hidden their SOUL from him but he was not staying around to find out. He started running the opposite direction the voice came from, unwilling to try his magic. It had brought him into this mess, who knew where it would lead him to next.

He pumped his wings to give an extra boost and grinned at how narrow the gaps between the remaining trees was. He was so happy not all the surroundings were trashed and approved of any advantage he could get. His small size was perfect for this and would give him the advantage he needed to get away.

" GoTh! CoMe BaCk "

They were rather persistent in their pursuit of him but he didn't falter. He winced as some feathers got caught in some branches but sped up when he spotted a figure heading towards him.

" I cAn HeLp YoU "

Karma scoffed at the voice as he could survive fine by himself. His brother had made sure of that, even if it wasn't perfect.

He paused when the voice could no longer be heard and leaned against a tree, trying to catch his breath. Maybe he could stay here for a bit?

He pulled his right wing in front of him and started to pull out the larger debris stuck in it. He would get somewhere safer before he tried to sort out the broken feathers. Looking around he thought the coast was clear, so started heading off to find shelter.

He hissed when red strings blocked his path and all other exits. A crunching noise from behind made him spin around and flare his wings in fear. He had no idea who this monster was but they looked too much like a Geno for his liking, even if certain things were off. He was tempted to summon his weapon but their relaxed stance made him falter.

" PleaSe dOn't be ScArEd. I'm HeRe "

The other's tone was very warm but he was pretty sure he had never met this monster before. While unsure how he got here he felt no danger from the other. He still took a step back when they came towards him and grimaced at accidently leaning against the red strings. He tucked his wings close, watching as a few feathers fell on to the ground, after being burnt off. That hurt!

" No nO No. I'M sOrRy. StaY StiLL "

He froze, watching their previously red and blue sockets switch to full blue. He flinched when their hand rose but relaxed, when he realised they had just gotten rid of the strings. He glanced behind him, wondering if he could escape before they caught him.

" LeT me hElP "

Karma thought of his options but was leaning to the option of trusting this monster. His brother did encourage him to try and socialise, perhaps this is what he meant?

Taking a cautious step forward he watched the monster, making sure to keep track of their hands. He finally stood right in front of them and startled fiddling with his scarf, unsure where to go from here. He flinched as the pain from his wings flared up and squeaked when he was suddenly cradled in their arms.

" ThEre tHere. I HaVe You "

He was stiff in their hold but relaxed at the soft touches to his skull, grabbing onto their scarf in comfort. He could feel a purr build up but stopped when he felt his parental bond tug at him.


It was odd being able to instantly tell it was from Oneiro and he made sure to send back his own response.

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