Chapter 139- (?? Multiverse)

139 14 5

Oneiro has a nice 'friendly' chat with Eclipse and is very happy how it goes.
Eclipse terror only grows as he realises the true insanity he has to deal with now..

((Happy New Year! 🎊))


?? Multiverse

"Really? Everyone is there?"

"Of course, little raven. I even have your small bitties friends as well. They have missed you a lot~"

"Even Nova?"

"...yes. Even Nova is going to be there~"

Eclipse was feeling a mixture of emotions right now.

On one side, he was glad he wasn't the only one dealing with this new monster, even though X looked like a feather could knock them over with how shaky they were. They were also far too pale for his liking and whenever this 'Oneiro' even glanced at them, they wilted like a flower without sunlight.

While thankful to no longer be restricted to the WingVerse with that crazy Creator, he was still baffled and highly wary why he was allowed to finally go, as this new place didnt seem much better in his mind.

He could clearly sense the magic saturating the air, guessing it had been claimed by Oneiro a long while ago. It was kind of stifling but he refused to show any weakness right now, mainly focusing on the one bright spot which was Karma.

They had been a beacon of positivity since spotting their dad and it soothed a deep part of him...but at the same time, he was now in the same place as his most disliked variant.

That this one seemed somewhat sane only put him further on edge, knowing just how dangerous they could truly be. Even his mind kept helpfully pointing out that a parental bond, which he could clearly sense was present between the two, was a two way street. Both parties had to want it but it was still disturbing to see such an odd version of his brother be so gentle with a child.

His gaze wandered to the new area, the heavily forested environment deeply comforting and reminding him of his childhood before things got overly complicated . In the not too far distance he could sense they weren't totally alone in the AU but no one felt overly hostile, even if quite a few individuals didn't exactly come across as sane to his senses. least the babybones was thriving, sensing they were happy and even accepting of this SwapDreams magic, while it made his own corruption want to burst out in response, as if to defend himself from a threat.

He was so annoyed he was struggling to control it, as this Dream hadn't even done any overly threatening actions towards him!...Apart from their pointed words of course, which had been very much expected, especially when it was revealed he had been near their kid monsters with children were truly terrifying to witness .

"X? Would you mind coming over here for a second. I just have a very simple task for you~"

Eclipse wasnt an idiot and neither was X, the 'request' was more of a demand and phrased far too politely most likely due to the babybones presence .

They all knew who had the true power here and they would both be fools to forget it.

"Now, little crow. I want you to stay with X for a bit. They will take you to where everyone else is waiting~"

He grimaced at the words and tensed up, having a feeling he wasnt going to enjoy what was going to happen next.

"But why, dad?"

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