Chapter 126- (DreamSwap Multiverse)

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Karma is happy things are all coming together. Surely things will only get better now!

Blue always was a schemer but now he thinks he may have bitten off more then he could chew...


DreamSwap Multiverse

Karma couldn't help but let out chirps of happiness. He was finally able to go outside with daddy! They said they didn't have any work for ages and he was thrilled they could spend more time together again. He might be able to go out with Blue and Ink but it just wasn't the same. So alone. The white was everywhere and no matter who he called, nobody came-

He was eagerly dragging daddy between the stalls, unsure why it was so empty today but rather happy to not be surrounded by other beings. He was just showing off a cube he thought was cool when he paused.

"Hmm? What's wrong, little apple?"

"They are here! C'mon daddy"

He dragged them towards where he sensed them and let go of daddy's hands, making grabby hands at the cloaked monster. He chirped as he was lifted, nuzzling Nightmare happily. Daddy was going to be so pleased!

He tilted his skull to the right, wings fluttering as he sensed another familiar monster nearby but whimpered when he saw daddy's face. They looked angry and he had no idea why..

"..have i been bad, daddy?"

Nightmare was very uncomfortable with this whole situation. He had only come out to grab some food as his friends could not be trusted to do the task without making a mess. He had not been expecting Karma to come straight up to him and especially not with Dream!

He shivered as Dream leaned closer to him, as they comforted the distressed babybones, wondering if they had forgotten he had exited for a moment. He didn't even dare to move, fearing to attract their attention. He was more than happy to pretend to be a statue for eternity but paled as their golden eyelights finally focused on him.

"I promise to be good, daddy! Pleases don't take me to the AntiVoid again"

Nightmare felt like he was drowning in the magic Dream let out, watching in slight terror as the surrounding monsters smiled blissfully, before wandering off in a daze. Dreams power was terrifying to witness in action and this was just passive, not even directed!

Karma sniffled but cooed as daddy's wings began to glow and tried to reach for them. He was unsure why this made daddy pale but was thrilled when he was soon back in their arms, enjoying the fussing, even if he didnt know what it was for.

Nightmare had no idea children could be so reckless!...ok that was a lie, as his friends resembled toddlers far too much sometimes, but there were limits! Surely common sense should have kicked in and told them not to touch the hot golden feathers!

He choked as the babybones touched Dreams wings, surprised when there were no sounds of pain afterwards. He had been near those 'wings' often and thought of them more as weapons. It hurt being smacked with pure magic, even if at first glance they resembled soft wings.

"You are always good, little apple. Don't worry, you will never have to go to that place again. In fact, Nightmare will be coming home with us. Isn't that nice?"

Nightmare was dismayed as Dreams hand grabbed his shoulder, their faux cheerfulness hiding none of the dripping disdain in their eyelights. He was kind of surprised they hadn't just struck him down and was praying their restraint would last longer.

He knew the only reason he had survived so long against Dream, was due to making sure not to be near them often, as his magic was not as powerful as theirs. He was lucky he had even managed to eat one of the apples, as it allowed him to utilise his magic in even more ways than before.

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