Chapter 1-(Birth Multiverse)

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They lost count how many times they had gone through this process. Waking up in a new place, as a new being, started to grow tiresome after a while. They remembered being a human on earth many cycles ago. Then things changed and they were suddenly a humanoid alien, in a world that had never heard of Earth before. The darkness between each life was comforting and it felt like they were being cradled by the universe. It almost felt like a piece of their true self was left behind, each time they were dragged away from the peaceful darkness.

They had lived all sorts of lives, with being a slave to being the son of a multi billionaire. It had been exciting when it had first happened but with each repeat it felt more like a curse. They couldn't even remember their first life so they didnt know who they pissed off to cause this.

They grew more detached as lives went on and were often called 'a cold' child. They hid as much of their apathy as they could, but sometimes they grew tired of the act. Rest sounded wonderful and they hoped this next life was short, so they could go back to the dark again.

Light started to surround them and they knew this meant they were entering the cycle again. They were unsure why they remembered each time and had yet to find anyone like them. The cold was felt next and then an odd sense was felt. It almost felt like a cloud surrounding them and spreading through the room.

They didn't bother opening their eyes, as it was always disorientating after being in the dark. They ignored the raised voices and the rocking from their most likely new mother. Sleep was all they wanted and everyone else would have to deal with it. Hearing a word being respected did perk their interest, as it must be their new name. Goth was a strange name, but they would get used to it like they always did.

When they awoke they were still on their mother, who must have noticed their movement, as they started cooing at them. They were manoeuvred to lie flat on the others chest and an energy was pushed towards them. 'This is new' but they accepted this as whatever creature they were now. It would seem it was a new culture to learn again. Their thoughts caused their new body to sigh. How tired they always felt after birth was annoying so they were not surprised that after eating they went straight back to sleep.

This pattern continued but today they wanted to see what was around them. Opening their eyes felt weird, more solid than what they were used to. Turning their eyes they couldn't see much, as their infant vision seemed terrible no matter what they became. Being turned to face the one holding them gave them much more information.

Seeing a skeleton didn't even shock them at this point, but they were more curious what exactly they were. They saw the others 'eyes' were more like dots of lights that seemed to track their movements. Trying to squirm out of the tight blanket the other took pity on them and freed their arms. Smiling in success they tried to gently place their hand on the other's face. They failed and managed to whack the other with their boney hand. Their mother? Seemed more amused than upset thankfully. Not all parents were in their experience. The bone looking creature was actually warm in their hand and even had give when they pushed against them.

They let out an involuntary giggle at their discovery, which seemed to please the other. Finding that they had done enough for the day they yawned and slept on the other. Their tiny body was too weak to do much else.

Each time they woke up they only saw this skeleton being and no one else. They wondered if they only had one parent now or if this was their caretaker instead. They were content either way and let time drag on.

Being put on the ground and persuaded to crawl was strange as they had never been encouraged to do so so early after birth. This form must be more hardy than they are used to. This soon became a favoured activity and they enjoyed exploring the rooms they were put in.

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