Chapter 19- (Blueberror Multiverse)

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Lots of new things for Karma to see


The landing was surprisingly soft but very cold. He happily laid limp, with no rush to see his new surroundings. He sensed no SOULS near him but there were some present, wherever he was. Pushing himself up he wiped off the snow and looked around. It reminded him of Snowdin but that did not help to narrow down where he was. His powers were working fine but he was unsure where to even go from here.

His bonds were still blocked as the 'collar' Dream had put on him was still charged. He wasn't even sure where he would go even if he had the choice. Dream hadn't been too bad to stay with and neither had Ink, but nothing stood out to him. He still hadn't found a real home and was wary to even try. It had been many loops since his last safe place was ripped away from him. He wanted to save himself the inevitable sorrow from feeling that again. He did want to keep his sanity at least, through his personal hell.

Dreams' words of not leaving him were pretty little lies, he had heard them countless times. There had been no need to crush the others' hopes by saying anything, he had some tact still.

He focused on the present and decided to explore where he was. He made sure to make himself invisible to the mortals, to avoid any uncomfortable questions. He took his time looking around as he had no destination or set time limit. The feather on his chest was certainly full of magic, so perhaps he would be picked up soon. He would enjoy the freedom of being alone while he could.

He saw no monster dust around so assumed the human was either doing a pacifist run or hadn't arrived yet. He sadly hadn't seen any of the importation monsters, to help tell how far along the timeline it was.

He stopped moving when he spotted the CORE. It was such a beautiful piece of machinery that was linked with hope and despair. He felt a tug on his power, signalling a potential death happening nearby. Curious he followed into the main Lab and wasn't surprised when he spotted a Gaster near the edge of the Core. The warning lights were flashing and he saw on the nearest screen, a message about an overload occuring.

He had arrived very early it seems. Most AU's were further along than this and he rarely had the privilege to witness this iconic moment. Would this one perhaps survive? Would they be pushed by their Sans? The possibilities were endless and he flew higher to observe It all in detail.

He heard the creaking of the platform but knew no one else did. He blankly watched as this Gaster fell in the CORE, with their SOUL instantly shattering. It seemed it was a lucky one this time, as they would not be stuck to wander forever lost in time. His eye light however froze on the Void opening. The power of the CORE was truly terrifying at what it could accomplish, but he was more tempted to jump in. Surely even a God would not survive that? He must have been thinking too long as the opening closed, with the machinery going back to normal.

He was disappointed but he was sure he would find another opportunity. He rarely interfered in the lives of mortals, as the results could get rather messy. What happened was meant to occur and the timeline moved forward in a healthy flow. He teleported away when he heard voices coming. There was no need to intrude on someone's grief.

Days passed when the familiar hunger appeared. He felt no need to steal from the sealed monsters, so continued with his unhurried walk. It was easily ignored even though his SOUL rebelled at the lack of fresh magic. He slept in the trees in Snowdin or the cave around Wetland. His body would survive and the breaks staved off boredom.

When he felt an odd SOUL enter this universe, he was intrigued. He followed its direction and saw it was located in Judgment Hall. He walked to be standing in front of the visitor and hummed when he saw them fully.

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