Chapter 53( HumanD̶̛͍͠r̴̫͒̀̚ē̸̩̈́́à̷͎͎́m̴̤̚S̵̢̩̈͊w̷̦̋̚ä̵̙̜́̒p̵̡̤̒͘ Multiverse)

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Karma watches as a multiverse dies and is found by a trapped Error


Human Ḋ̸̛̛̠̋̆͛̎́͗́͌͋́̕̚r̴̫̊͊̈́̋͘͜͜ḛ̶̥̄͑̈́͛͂͌͐͗͘à̵̡͖̺̠̫̳̱̬̥͕͉̙̯̞̊̀̀̊̀̀͋̓̄̓̕̚ͅm̷̢̪̜̖̱̬̤͓̳̓̒̑̓͛͜Ș̶̤͕́͗̏̓͠ẃ̴̨̡͎̯̤͈̳̗̙̑̋̂̽̉̐́̑̎͘a̵̜̝̱̥̘̗̯̥͚͕̲͇͔̿̈́̈́̑͘͘͜p̵͎̘͓̳͉̗̔̏͒̃͂̆̀ Multiverse

Karma should have realised early on that this multiverse was dying. The way his magic was acting even more oddly the last few days, should have been a warning sign. In his defence he had been distracted by all the new things in his surroundings.

The clashing of weapons made his eyelight focus on the fight that was still on going. He was curious at how this would end, as both guardians seemed to be on equal ground at the moment.

One of Dream's wings was limp but so was Nightmare's right arm. He must have missed when that had happened but it shouldn't matter soon. It had been hours since the fight had started and the constant clash of opposite energies, was breaking the multiverse apart.

"YOU ARE AT FAULT! If you didn't exist Karma would never have been hurt! Why won't you just die?!"

....what was Dream on about? He was kind of impressed that the other had hidden their crazy side so well. He had such high hopes for this one as well.

The intent both sides were releasing would be suffocating for most. He had seen proof of this as some of Dreams' guards had collapsed from being near. Karma was content to watch from his perch, just waiting for the end.

"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING, DREAM. How dare you take away my family!"

He had been a bit sad when Dream had managed to kill Cross and Error. The two should have known better than then to get in the way of an enraged guardian.

The negativity he sensed in the multiverse was increasing but it was too little too late, to counteract the insane positivity levels.

The death permeating this multiverse was probably why he survived so well in his new body. It also explained why in the forest, he saw so few animals. They were usually the first ones to be affected by a universe dying. He briefly wondered if it would be possible to save this place, if new balancers were brought in, but his Death magic was telling him it was too late.

His arrival must have kept this place going a bit longer, as he had been passively absorbing the decaying energy that should have soaked into the AU's. No wonder his feathers were glowing, they must have been overloaded with all the Death magic. It was probably why his magic kept burning his body, as he was being pumped full of energy.

He felt when the last parts of reality started to shatter and admired how the colour white was overtaking the area. Destruction could be very beautiful at times. A snapping sound alerted him to the fact that the Blues bracelet broke. He watched numbly as it slowly dissolved into raw magic. It seems Blue was dead but at least they wouldn't be stuck in the AntiVoid.

A high pitched cry made his head snap towards the sound. He saw both participants on the ground, impaled with the other's respective weapon. He jumped off the tree, that was about to collapse, and walked over to the two. Their SOULS had been pushed too far and now their magic was draining into the surroundings, as they were no longer needed. He smiled at the two guardians, silently wishing them eternal peace.

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