The Chop Of An Axe ~ Jeff Hardy

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"Hey Jeff, what you up to?" Me and Jeff Hardy had been inseparable since high school, and had managed to remain friends right through to where we are both in WWE together. For sometime I had liked him, but I always felt he would shrug me off.

So I decided to go out on a date with Curtis Axel to see if he would jealous.

"Hey Meg, not much, reading over promos, boring things as per." I took a seat next to him, reading the pieces of paper.

"So, I am going on a date with Curtis tonight and I want you-" I was cut off, as he pushed the table back jumping up to his feet.

"Are you crazy? Curtis Axel?" He asked, as if he was really that bad.

"Yeah, well we've been getting close recently, and he asked to take me out, so I accepted. Okay." I got up in his face, making sure to get him really angrier, which was a side of him I loved.

"You can't Megan, you can't go out with him." He said with a firm and serious tone to his voice.

"And why not?" I challenged.

"Because I want to be the one to take you out and wine and dine you Megan. I love you, and have done for so long."

"Then why didn't you tell me!" I shouted.

"Because I was scared!" He retaliated. His voice suddenly went really soft, as he walked up to me, gently placing his hand on my arm. "I didn't want to be rejected by my best friend."

"Aww Jeff. I have loved you for so long, you don't understand." He leaned forward and pecked my cheek.

"Marry me Megan." He said completely out of the blue. "We don't need to get to know each other, meet each other's families, or know each others likes and dislikes."

"This is crazy." He placed his finger on my lips to quieten me.

"What do you say though," I thought about the idea of being Megan Hardy for awhile.

I leaned up and kissed him properly for the first time.


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