Seth Rollins for ambrosegirl717

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The waves crashed lightly onto the beach, as the shining sun printed into the golden sand, and my hand tightened around Seth's. My legs had small goosebumps from where I had been wearing my floral jumpsuit all day to match my light pink hair. The sunset was resting on the sea, as we strolled casually along the promenade in complete silence. "Don't you think the sea is such a beautiful thing at night." I was in awe of the blue shade before me, admiring the scenery that so many people never got to see.

"You know what else is beautiful?" He's stopped me still, twirling me around to face the sea, standing behind me and threading his arms around my waist.

"Let me guess, you're gonna be really corny and say me." It was like one of those moments that you see at the movie when there is the stereotypical cheesy scene.

"Actually, I was gonna say me, but you're a close second." He kissed the side of my neck, as a small boy ran down the beach dragging his dad who was behind him. "That could be one day." I looked up at him with a smile on my face. Another shiver overtook my body, so Seth ran his arms up and down my body. He removed his jacket, draping it over my shoulders to try and keep me warm.

"Hopefully one day babe." I took a photo in my mind to remind of the beautiful time I was having with my man, as we continued our walk down the beach.

"How about we walk up to the flower field up there." He pointed a little further up the beach to the field of flowers, the place where we had our first date with each other years and years ago. It was a special place to the two of us, and we loved going back there all the time. "Can you imagine it, me and you in three, four years time with our gorgeous son or daughter showing the place where mummy and daddy had their first kiss and then bringing up to the water."

"Yeah, I can picture that, so clearly too." I pictured our first child to be a son, just like Seth. He was athletic and always hyper, he was cheeky for such a young boy but everyone loved him. Our son was called Tyler in honour of Tyler Black and most definitely had Seth's jawline.

We reached the field, where Seth picked up a flower and tucked it behind my ear. "Time always seems like it goes by too fast." Seth sat down on the grass, so I followed his movement sitting beside him. The night sky was clear, so I laid back so I could look up at the stars. I made patterns in my mind like you do with the clouds.

"Don't you just wish that there could be a pause or a rewind button, and you could go back and change a few things, and stop yourself from making all those silly mistakes." Seth and I were having one of those rare moments where we talk about absolute nonsense, but to us it make sense. Seth laid down besides me, pulling me into his side for comfort.

"I'd never change you though. You're the best thing to ever happen to me." I leaned into his side further, taking the dropping flower out of my hair and placing it on Seth's stomach, just to the left of my hand. "There is actually a reason I decided we should come to the beach tonight."

"To live old memories? Spend some time alone reminiscing about what used to be?" I pondered many scenarios in my mind about why we were here but none of them really fitted.

"I just wanted to come back to our special hideout from the world and tell you a few things." It was true, the field was the place where if either of us stormed out after an argument or had heard some bad news, this was always the place where the other would go.

"Go on then." I encouraged, desperate to hear what he had to say.

"Well, Ellie you know how much I adore you, and love you, and miss you when I'm gone. It's only now that I've truly started to understand how precious you are, and how much of a genuine, kind human being you are. You've turned my life around for the better, and I'm forever in debt to you for the things you've done for me. I know I'm not the best with words, and I'm really comfortable so I'm not going to get up but," Seth rolled onto his side, reaching deep into his pockets in his shorts. He pulled out a velvet box, which he opened up, showing you a diamond ring. "What I'm trying to say, is Ellie will you marry me?"

"Of course I will Seth, I love you." Seth reached for my hand, placing the ring onto my ring finger, on the wrong hand. His icy hands gripped my cheeks, as he turned me around and kissed me passionately. I kissed him back lovingly, as I opened my eyes to admire my glistening ring. "Seth, just one thing." I pulled back away from him, propping myself up on my elbow. "It's the wrong hand." I tried desperately to refrain myself from laughing, as Seth blushed from embarrassment. "Its alright baby." I picked it off my finger, about to place it on my left hand, when he snatched it out of my hand.

"No, I'll do it thanks, my stunning fiancée." He raised my hand, fitting the ring perfectly on my finger. "And by the way, I love you too."

A/N- What do any of you think of a WWE texts book??


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