Shocking Secrets ~ Dean Ambrose

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"Briar Rose!" I shouted chasing her down the corridor. I just told her we were visiting her uncle Roman and lets just say she was beyond excited. She squealed as we arrived at the door of The Shield. I picked her up onto my shoulders as she knocked on the door. Roman answered and she immediately jumped into his arms. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

"How are you my very little sister?" I nodded. "Briar can you get down for a second so I can introduce to everyone." She got down dragging him into the room. I followed behind shutting the door. "So Athena, Briar, this is Seth and Dean, my work colleagues and best mates, and boys this is my sister Athena, and niece Briar Rose." A boy with half blonde, half black hair stepped forward and shook my hand. Briar instantly took a liking to his hair playing with it. Then the other person stepped forward, I looked up slightly at him as my eyed widened in shock. His face was easily recognisable, it was him.

Dean's POV

I looked at the familiar brown hair, as everything came flooding back. It was her. She was Roman's sister. I could tell as I saw the two of them. Me and her went back a couple of years, a one night thing. I regretted it instantly, and what did I do, run! Looking at her now I wish I didn't. "So how old is this little cutie Athena?" Seth asked her, tickling her belly as she giggled.

"She's two, but has quite an attitude!" Two?! But things happened two years ago. I looked at Briar Rose, she had quite chubby cheeks and as she smiled her dimples stood out. Could she be mine? I decided to confront Athena.

"Athena can I talk to you outside for a second? Maybe me and you can get to know each other privately." She looked sceptical but followed behind me anyway. I sat down on one of the crates as she sat next to me. "You have a very beautiful daughter, like her Mum. Athena be straighy with me, is she mine? I need to know, it seems logical." She looked down as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Yes okay, that is your daughter. I've not been with anyone else since, I was a single mum. Do you realise how sad I was when you left? All the times she asked why her friends had dad's and she didn't. I desperately tried looking for you Dean, yet all this time you have been here with my brother." She started to cry as she wiped them away.

"I know I missed out Athena, I get that. But I wanna make it up to you. I wanna be a father, and maybe in time a boyfriend. We can be happy, a family. Let me try, if she doesn't want to know, I'll leave. I want ever bother you again, but she should know, surely we both deserve that." She nodded, as she stopped crying. I pulled her into a hug.

"Let me go get her and we will see what happens." She got off the crate and walked back to the room. I took a steady breath as I imagined different scenes about she will happen. Athena and Briar Rose came back as Athena picked Briar up and sat next to me.

"Briar sweetie, this may come to you as a shock to you, but this man sat next to you is Daddy. Now be nice to him." I looked down as she stared at Athena blankly. Next thing I felt to tiny arms wrap around me squeezing me so tightly. I wrapped my arms around her as she reached for my face poking my cheeks.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed. I don't think this could have gone any better. I signalled for Athena to come and join us as we stayed there in a group hug for a few minutes.

"That's right! I'm Daddy. I promise to never leave you again, and make sure all boys stay away from you until you're 40!" Athena giggled as I kissed the top of her head. This was my family now, the only family I ever need, and want.

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