Randy Orton for breavogt123

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I locked the dressing room behind me, making sure I had all of my bags and belongings ready to head back to the hotel. Randy had asked me to meet him in the corridor at ten o'clock, but seeing as I was ready early, I decided to just sit there and hang around for a bit.

"Oh, Brea!" I looked down the corridor to see my three best friends skipping towards me. "Don't you dare be sour, your boys are here." Kofi came over and sat beside me, as did Xavier, as E decided to stand in front of me pouting.

"What you doing here by yourself chick?" Kofi asked me, nudging my shoulder as he did, making me fall into Xavier who decided to nudge me too.

"Stop!" I moaned, as I stopped moving from side to side. "I'm waiting for Randy so we can head back to the hotel."

"And what will you be doing at the hotel?" E asked causing the other two boys to snigger, earning them both a slap on the arm from me.

"Sleeping is what we will be doing, if that is alright with you?" I stared over at E, as he nodded in response, turning my frown into a smile.

The four of us sat around and messed around for a bit whilst I waited for Randy. "There you are I've been looking everywhere for you." I looked over to see Randy running over towards me. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh that's right, no hi boys you're looking well, you just worry about your girlfriend," Xavier moaned as the four of us only laughed at him.

"Alright, hi boys you're looking well. But, Brea I told you to meet me by the main exit an hour ago." I shook my head.

"No you didn't, you told me at the corridor." I protested. The boys sat back letting Randy stand right by me.

"No, I definitely said exit, look I'll show you." He pulled out his phone, opening up his texts and showing me our previous conversation. There it was in front of me in  black and white, him telling me to meet him at the exit door.

"Oh..," all the boys exclaimed as I sat back in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry." I said, admitting my mistake. Randy placed a hand on my thigh, shoving Kofi over and sitting in between us.

"Trouble in paradise?" Kofi asked, Xavier mocking the drum effect for his pun.

"Hilarious," Randy remarked. "But seriously, Brea we need to go." I hopped down, grabbing my bag, turning around to the boys.

"I'll see you lot later," I told them, their faces turning sad.

"Yeah...right...in a bit you two." E sadly said making both of us turn around.

"Why are you sad?" I asked any of the three of them.

"It's just we're kind of stuck because we don't have a lift to the hotel." I looked at Randy, and he looked at me. He nodded to the three boys and then to the car.

"Come on you three." Randy told them as they all  jumped up, cheering and hugging us, grabbing their bags as Randy walked us to the exit door and the car.

"Shot gun front seat," I quickly shouted out as the car got in view.

"Oh damn," I heard one of them moan, as Randy unlocked the car and put our bags away. "Surely I'm more deserving of being in the front, I'm about double the size of the rest of you." I looked over at E, who had a cheeky grin in his eye. Before he could, I ran around to the passenger seat of the car and got in. I left the boys to pack the boot up, as the three doors opened. At the back I could hear them squabbling as to who was going to be in the middle.

"Brea, pick on of us to go in the middle," Kofi told me. I turned round to three of them  as they all looked at me begging with their eyes not for me to pick them.

"Let me think...oh wait, E!" E jumped up in shock, banging his head on the roof of the car. "Careful there lovely." Kofi and Xavier made room for E to get in and sit in the middle. The other two boys squeezed into the back trying to shut the doors, all of them shuffling to try and get comfortable.

"Lets go!" Randy yelled as we pulled away to the hotel which was only ten minutes down the road.

The journey felt like it took forever as every few seconds I could hear one of the boys grunt in pain or discomfort. "How about to solve our problems we go on Musically?" I asked them,

"Sure, I'll try anything right now," Xavier said. I got out my phone opening up the app and showing them how it worked. Once the three boys agreed they'd got the hang of it we started creating our own. I allowed the boys to scroll and choose which ones they wanted to do as I grabbed the phone recording all of them and saving them all to use for revenge in the future.

"Brea, you have got to send me those. They are going on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook -"

"-we're here at last." Randy told us all interrupting Kofi. I put my phone away. The boys couldn't hurry fast enough to open the doors and jump out of the car.

"Freedom!" Kofi screamed as he got out of the car.

"Boys, it was ten minutes, anyone would think we've been stuck for at least a day." Randy and I unlocked the boots and unloaded the bags.

"Next time you're in the back sat with E, see how you like it."

"Next time?" Randy asked the boys sternly, but the funny side still there.

"I think that is our cue to go," Xavier said as the boys all picked up their stuff. "Thanks for the lift you two." We waved them goodbye as they walked off towards the hotel entrance.

"Thank you for giving the boys a lift babe," I whispered into his ear, pecking his cheek.

"They're your best friends, I couldn't say no to you or them." I went to grab my bag, but Randy got it first, picking it up easily. "I got it."

"I know you didn't have to, but just know I appreciate it." I told him.

"That's all well and good Brea, but what about going back tomorrow?" I chuckled as Randy sighed. I hadn't exactly thought of that problem.

"I'll speak to them." I told him.

"Alright gorgeous, love you." He kissed my lips as we walked into the entrance to the hotel.

"Love you too, thank you once again."

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