Seth Rollins for GiovannaValdez

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"I'll see you in a bit." I waved Natalya off as I walked into mine and Seth's joint locker room we were sharing at work. I opened up the door looking around at the darkness. "Seth?" I questioned turning the light on.

"No!" I heard someone scream. It was too late and I had turned the light on. I looked up and saw Seth laying awkwardly on the sofa at the back of the room.

"What's going on?" Something funny was definitely going on. Usually he'd greet me with a kiss straight away but for some reason he didn't even move from where he was sat. His face was definitely telling me something wasn't right at all. "Seth?" He still sat there shaking his head. I walked over to him looking around. Just behind the sofa was the beautiful knitted blanket my grandmother had given me which I took everywhere. The size of it looked awfully big compared to what I remembered. "I'm gonna give you one last chance." I warned.

"Just do it Giovanna." He sighed. I slowly lifted the blanket up, slightly tentatively. My heart was racing as I raised the corner revealing a black stiletto and a strap to a bra. I continued to pick it up as all the pieces finally fitted together.

"Who is it?" Seth simply nodded down to the floor, already noticing the hurt in my voice. I closed my eyes shut pulling the blanket off. I slowly opened my left eye seeing blonde hair fanned out across the floor. I opened my right eye, gasping at the figure that was before me. "Summer!" I threw the blanket back down on her, turning my attention to Seth who sat in the same position as he was when I arrived. "How could you?"

"I never meant to hurt you, I didn't want you to find out this way." I walked over to him, too hurt to even be angry.

"Don't lie to me! You would have never told me if I hadn't have found out your dirty little secret." I stood right up in his face, despite him being a couple of inches taller then me, nothing was going to make me back down this time.

A little voice whispered behind me, "Giovanna maybe you should calm down and-"

"You don't get to tell me what to do." I turned around to Summer as she sat down fixing her hair and makeup. I knew that I couldn't just let out all of my frustration on Seth, so therefore I went up to her, grabbed a clump of her extensions and pulled her up onto her feet. She was squealing for me begging to release her. "You want Seth? Have Seth. We're done as far as I'm concerned." I charged at the wall, smacking her head against it, kicking her legs, punching her right cheek until the blood surfaced. Seth came over quickly pulling me off of her. "Get off of me now, don't touch me." I looked to his face, concern all over it, and then down to his feet, and then to a little something in the middle of his body. "You want to think with your little friend Seth? Then how about your little friend takes this." I raised up my foot, booting him straight in between his legs. He doubled over in pain as Summer squealed. "Stay away from me!" I screamed kicking his side a couple of times. I grabbed my stuff and walked out to go and find Nattie. I didnt want either of them to see how upset I was or how badly they'd hurt me; I wanted them to know that I was strong and could rise above them.

"Nattie!" I yelled running over to her. As soon as she turned around to see me I broke. She pulled me into a massive hug, rubbing my back soothingly.

"What's happened? What's wrong?" She whispered.

"Seth." I simply replied. She led me into an empty room nearby and sat me down.

"I'm going to go get Nikki and then you're gonna tell us exactly what happened." Natalya left the room for a matter of seconds before she came back with Nikki and a big box of tissues. I took a couple wiping my eyes, and the small clumps of mascara that had gathered. "Right. From the beginning Giovanna."

"I don't know how long it's been going on for, but earlier after I left you Nattie I went in to our locker room and he was acting really suspicious. I went up to him and there was a blanket on the floor which looked big. I lifted it up, and underneath was Summer." Both girls looked at me shocked that Seth could do such a thing, "they've been sleeping together behind my back." I cried. They both came up to me, each hugging a side of me.

"I'm so sorry G. That sucks." Nikki tucked my hair behind my ear, wiping my eyes. "What happens now for you both?"

"Oh we are one hundred percent done. No way am I staying with him after this."

"You go girl. In that case, dry your eyes and show him what he's missing." I smiled at them, as they pulled me up and took me to the women's locker room. "Girls we are hitting the town tonight."

I honestly could not have got through the last week without the girls, Nikki and John let me stay in their guest house for a bit, although John was a nightmare to live with, and the rest of the girls had taken me out and cheered me up most days. Of course I'd seen Seth around the buildings at work but I just smiled and moved on. I didn't know if him and Summer had, or would, become a thing, but I was over him and she was welcome to him.

Tonight was Smackdown and I had a match against Alexa. I hated wrestling girls who were such good friends of mine and who had rallied round to support me over the past week but I was just doing my job.

I managed to win quite comfortably, and was looking forward to a planned night at the movies with the girls on the roster. We were all desperate to see the new Will Ferrell movie that had been released. I grabbed a towel from a member of staff, then headed back to the locker room. "Giovanna!" I twirled around and saw a body running towards me. The lights were dim so I couldn't see who it was, until a small outbreak of light highlighted a streak of blond hair. I knew exactly who it was, so I put my head down and carried on walking.

I got to the locker room, shutting the door when it jolted to a halt. I looked down to see a big foot stuck in the middle of it. I looked up and Seth smirked at me. "Yes?"

"Don't be like that." He sighed resting his frame on the wall. "Aren't you at least going to let me in." I stepped aside so he could walk in sighing. I didn't say a word as I began sorting myself out. "You know I came here to do more then just sit in silence." I turned around nodding at him still quiet. I took off my ring top leaving me in just a bra; it was nothing Seth hadn't seen before. "I've missed your body," Seth whispered just loud enough for me to hear. It was nice hearing someone compliment me again, something I had missed since we broke up. "Still nothing." He groaned getting himself a chair, "looks like I'll be here for a while."

"What could you possibly want?" I glared over at him, wishing he would disappear. He got up walking over to me. His body was inches from mine, his lips so close.

"You." He whispered, grabbing my wrists. He leaned in kissing me, I didn't kiss back, I couldn't kiss back it wasn't right, it wasn't us. I desperately tried to pull him off, my heart racing.

"We can't do this, we are not together Seth, you cheated remember." He remained a matter of millimetres away from me, his eyes were fixated on me making me feel incredibly uncomfortable. "You need to go." I warned.

"I can't go though Giovanna, I can't go without knowing where I stand."

"Where you stand? If we weren't at work you wouldn't be standing at all." He chuckled to himself, putting a firm grip back around my wrists.

"Let me prove you wrong, show you we work." He pleaded kissing me once again. His hands this time held my cheeks just how they used to. His touch was melting me, our bodies always moulded together, just one touch was like electric. Only this time, I hadn't pulled apart, I had caved in, he became too much. Seth was too big a hole in my heart. My hands softened gripping his waist, as I kissed him back. "I told you," he whispered pulling himself away from me. "I'm so sorry for everything but we've just prove we can't be without each other, and deep down you know it." His hands cupped my cheeks, our eyes gripped on each other.

"I can't bare this, I need you as much as I hate to admit it."

"Good. I need you too." He pecked my lips one last time before pulling away. "Now get a shower sweaty." I lightly hit his shoulder, walking away to the shower block smiling.

A/N - I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really ill so this isn't exactly a great one shot, so if you want it rewriting let me know :)

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