Photograph ~ Dean Ambrose {Part 2}

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Dean's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Danielle all day. Her brown hair and brown eyes just kept popping up in my mind. No girl had ever had that effect on me before, and the feeling felt so strange. There was something about her which gave me that feeling like no other. I walked into the locker room to find Roman and Seth lounging about on the sofas like weirdos. "Why do I have such weird friends?" I murmered, but I think Roman heard as he snapped up from the sofa.

"What was that Dean?" He queried.

"Nothing." I replied, taking a seat on the sofa next to him. "What time is the photoshoot tomorrow then boys?" I asked. I missed the one today, and I presumed the boys had too. Seth suddenly burst out laughing. I looked at him puzzled. "What's so funny?" I was clearly missing something, and I really wanted to know what.

"Dean, we did our photoshoot today, when we were meant to. But you need to do yours tomorrow and be there for one o'clock sharp." I nodded, making a mental note to myself.

Danielle's POV

"Please Danielle, take me back, I made a mistake I admit. It was wrong okay, but this can be fixed. We can be fixed. I know it Danielle. We were strong, we still can be." Scott was currently on the phone to me, begging me for forgiveness. His voice was beginning to annoy me now, as I knew full well that I would never take him back. So I did the only thing I could do. Hung up.

Next day...

I was in the office, next to me a plain white screen set up for the photoshoot I had with Dean today. Secretly I was so excited, but I couldn't let anyone notice that. Vince had joined me, as I filled in the paperwork for yesterday, and he looked through my portfolio. I had a huge variety of wrestling photos from CZW, to NXT, to WWE.

The door creaked open behind me, and I looked back to see Dean walk in, with dark shades covering his eyes, and his signature jeans. I tried my hardest to keep my blush to a minimum, but admittedly it was very hard. Dean walked up so he was alongside Vince, stopping him at a certain photo. I peered over to see he had stopped him of a photo I had took of him in CZW so many years ago. He stood in deep thought staring at the photo, as I looked on in awe. He turned the page, as we found a photo of me, with my old glasses and one of his old t-shirts. "That is the one photo you ever took of me y'know." Dean looked up at me, grinning from ear to ear.

"I know, I never got the chance to take another. They were the best days." I nodded my head in complete agreement.

End of photoshoot...

Dean and myself sat in front of the screen, just the two of us. It was quite a nice moment that we shared, although in silence, the moments when we just had each others company. "Where did I go wrong Danielle?" He asked out of the blue. I looked up confused at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Why couldn't I share the moments I did with you with Renee. We could never have fun, or goof around. We never really opened up to each other, or really smiled with each other like we do." I swear I saw a little tear come from his eyes, as I put my hand on his for support. "Maybe you were my soulmate Danielle." He questioned.

"Maybe I was Dean, all I know is I am nothing like Renee." I spoke up, staring right into his beautiful eyes.

"Will you go out with me tonight? Like on a date." He asked, scooting a little closer to me, shortening the gap between us.

"Yes." I replied. "Just remember I am nothing like Renee, so no fancy places." I said, making him giggler for the first time in a long time. That was definitely the Dean I remembered.

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