Sheamus for julesjazzy

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I zipped my dress up, wiping the remains of the sweat off of my forehead. I had just finished my match for tonight and now I was preparing to head back to the hotel. I had a short red dress on, dressed perfectly for the incredibly warm weather. I stepped out of the locker room grabbing my suitcase, walking out to the parking lot.

I opened up the boot of the car, picking up my case only for the front of it to open and all of my belongings fall out. I screamed out in frustration, bending down carefully in my dress, hastily picking everything up. "Here let me help you." I looked up and saw Sheamus bending down giving me a helping hand. I noticed his gaze was dangerously close to my boobs, which I had to admit looked great in the dress. I finished picking everything up, zipping the case up properly. Sheamus got up first throwing it into the car, as I soon got up after. I pulled the ends of my dress down, turning around to thank him, only to see a massive smirk on his face.

"Thanks." I said to him bringing him back into reality. He smiled walking off as I got in the car. Once he had gone out of view I couldn't help but smile and blush at the looks I was receiving from him. I grinned at how I had made him feel, pulling away and driving to the hotel.

I sat down on the hotel bed trying to amuse myself. I scrolled through all my social medias, rang my parents, and even caught up on a few episodes from my favourite series. I was dragged out of my self amusement by a knock at my hotel door. I jumped off the bed, walking over and undoing the latch. I barely had time to open the door when I felt a pair of lips lock with mine, pushing me back into my hotel room, lifting me up against the wall of the hotel. I didn't even process what had happened, the feel of the lips too amazing on mine to pull away. The person rested their hands on my lips, lifting me up so I was their height. The kiss lasted for a while when they eventually pulled away for a breath. I opened my eyes to be greeted by a ginger freckly frame. "Sheamus?" I asked as he placed his finger over my lips, quickly latching his lips back on to mine. He carried me over to the bed, throwing me down and climbing over me, refusing to break the kiss.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered into my ear, pulling away and laying down beside me, holding onto my hand.

"What just happened?" I asked panting for breath. My hair was ruined, and my lipstick smudged as I looked up at him. His eyes did not move from looking down at me.

"You looked so damn hot in that dress earlier I knew I had to come and see you." I grinned over at him, kissing his lips once more.

"How did you even know where I was?"

"Muscles have quite the effect on receptionists." I laughed as he flexed his biceps. I couldn't help but grin at the definition and size of his muscles.

"I'm not surprised, they really are something else," I said placing my hand on his bicep.

"That's not the only thing that is something else you know." He winked down at me as I hid in his chest laughing. "It's alright I'm only joking, that can wait for a while." He lifted my head up by placing his hand under my chin, kissing my lips. I held onto his cheek as he held me tight. He kissed me a couple of times, just as passionately as he did earlier. "Maybe we should go out tomorrow, get to know each other?"

"Yeah, that would be nice," I settled my head back onto his shoulder, sighing in content with how the evening had worked out.

"As long as you wear that dress again, because damn you were on fire in that." I blushed slightly. "Don't blush, I'm only telling you the truth."

"If you say so."

"I do say so, because it's only the truth." He told me, kissing me one last time. "Maybe you should get some sleep ready for tomorrow." I nodded as my eyelids began to droop. I felt him lift me up, taking his arm away from underneath me.

"Please stay?" I asked placing my hand across him. He moved his arm back to where it was, resting his head on top of mine.

"Of course, if that's what you want." I cuddled into his big frame, making little dot to dots with his adorable freckles, slowly snoozing off into a dreamy sleep.

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