Better Than Her ~ Jimmy Uso

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"Hey sweetheart!" Jimmy came into the locker room, as I sat by myself, concentrating on my match ahead. It was only me by myself as all the girls were at catering. Jimmy walked over and kissed my cheek, but I turned him away. "What happens if Naomi walks in now, huh, what are you gonna tell her. Or are you gonna keep hiding it from her. I'm sick of being your bit on the side." He looked at me apologetically.

"You have a match against her tonight, don't you?" I nodded. "Well if you beat her, I will come out and we can tell her and the whole of the WWE Universe." I stood there shocked as he said that.

"You would do that, for me." He smiled and stroked my cheek.

"Of course I would your my girl." I gave him a look. "Soon, amyway." We heard some girly laughs from outside. He pulled away quick sitting a distance away from me. As soon as Naomi saw Jimmy she ran into his arms. I felt my heart break into two as I watched him pretend to be happy. This just made me more determind to beat her tonight. They twirled around as I stared Jimmy down. 'I'm sorry' Jimmy mouthed.

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I started to feel the crowd behind me as in my head I imagined her face when Jimmy came out and told her what was going on behind her back. I thought it would be a good chance to use the finisher of the frog splash in honour of The Usos. She remained grounded as I mounted the top rope. I leaped hoping she would stay still, which she did, I reached for her leg as I heard the ref hit the mat. Once. Twice. Three times. That was it, I won. My music didn't play thought. I looked around waiting to see what was happening, when The Usos music began to play. Jinmy walked down the ramp with a very serious expression. Naomi got out of the ring and ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. I watched intently to see what Jimmy did, he just removed them and kept walking towards me. I smiled and he winked at me. Naomi walked round the outside of the ring and grabbed a microphone.

"Babe, what are you doing. I'm in pain, can't you see. Come help me then. What sort of boyfriend are you?" Jimmy lightly touched my shoulder,

"Not yours Naomi, not anymore." He confessed. The crowd and Naomi gasped. I expected this reaction in all honesty so it didn't faze me at all. "For the past 2 months, I've been seeing Maria behind your back. I don't want you Naomi, I'm sorry I wanna be with Maria." She screamed, pulling her hands in her hair. Jimmy wrapped his arm around my waist protectively.

"You're making a mistake Jimmy, you don't wanna be with that piece of trash. You will regret it, and I won't have you." She screamed her tears threatening to spill.

"No I won't Naomi, now stop embarrassing yourself and go." She walked off as Jimmy pulled me in for a kiss. I never thought he would do that, but now I couldn't be happier.

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