Dean Ambrose for TheMaineIsABandILove

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Everyday there was a different story to be told. My job was one of the most rewarding things ever, and I was honoured to do what I do. In case you hadn't guessed, I was a nurse, and a very good one too, if I do say so myself. "Stephanie, we have a Mr Ambrose who we would like you to attend to. He has had a knock to the head, so we just need you to check he hasn't got concussion." My boss walked over to me, handing me a clipboard, as I quickly drafted through his notes. He had been injured at work, and he had been checked over by a doctor.

I walked in to see a rugid looking boy lying agitated on the white bed sheets. "Mr Ambrose." I immediately see his eyes light up, as his eyeline goes to my feet, then back to my head. "I hear you had quite the incident today. My name is Stephanie, and I'm just going to check that you haven't got a case of concussion." He nodded his head.

"I'm really fine, I don't need any checks or anything. I insist you spend your time on someone with a more urgent problem." He was a very endearing person, and I almost felt sorry for him, forced to be somewhere he really didn't want to be.

"I wish you weren't here either, but unfortunately you can't be discharged until we know that there is no serious damage." A frown formed on his face, as the guilt bubbled inside of me. "The quicker we do this, the quicker we can get you out of here Mr Ambrose."

"Let's do this then." A wave of enthusiasm washed over him, as he raised his hand in the air.

"So, first of all, can you tell me who the president of the USA is?" Some of the questions we asked, may have seemed stupid to people who were fine, but anyone struggling with concussion it was a difficult question for them to answer.

"Barack Obama, is this really necessary. I mean, I'd much rather be asking you out on a date instead of answering stupid questions which I don't need to know." I stood in silent, as much as I was a little giddy inside, I needed to remain professional at this moment in time.

"Well, maybe we could discuss that once you've been discharged, and I'm not your nurse no longer. One more question, as your memory seems to be in exquisite condition, what is the date today?" He was having to think a little for this one.

"Thursday the third of September." He replied, very self assured.

"The year?" I pushed.

"Thursday the third of September 2015." He clarified. "Can I talk to you like a human being now please." I nodded my head, finalising his results. "Good. So my name is Dean, certainly not Mr Ambrose." He put his hand forward, as I shook his.

"My names Stephanie." He smiled, as I sat on the end of the bed.

"Where are you from? You don't sound American, and you look like you've got a bit of Latino in you. You've got nice eyes." I felt a small blush on my cheeks, as I his slightly into my hands.

"I'm a Colombian, but moved to America to become a nurse over  here." I never tried to hide the fact I was Colombian, but I think it did effect my job sometimes. Having to hear people say they didn't want a foreign nurse did hurt me from time to time.

"Oh wow! That's wicked, I've never been, but I've heard it is amazing. Maybe you could take be sometime, if the date I'll be taking you on tonight once your shift finishes goes very well." He had a little sparkle in his eye.

"Maybe we'll see. I'm going to go and hand in your notes." I packed my things up, walking to the door. "My shift finishes at six, meet me outside." I winked at him, walking back to the desk with my clipboard, a small smirk on my face.

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