Dean Ambrose for WWEFangirl11

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Lucy's POV

I sat twiddling my thumbs, as I watched Raw on my screen at home, wrapped up in my blanket. The easily recognisable theme of Roman came blaring out of the speakers around the room. He came down the aisle as I smiled at his cheesy grin, slapping hands. He was due to participate in a tag match with my husband, Dean. I heard his entrance theme, and giggled at his new 'Ambrose Asylum' shirt.

I watched the match with Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper closely. He was doing so well. I was interrupted by a hollow knock at the door. I slowly removed my red blanket throwing it over the shoulder, before pulling myself up and trudging to the door. I released the latch, to be greeted by no one. I looked around for a face, and was about to shut the door, when I caught sight of a bright pink and red bouquet of flowers on my door step. I wasn't sure if they were for me or not, but I brought them into the house anyway, gently placing them on the kitchen worktop. Inside was a tiny greeting card, which I took out and read.

Lucy, I've missed you so much recently, and I just wanted to send you a little reminder of how much I love you. I wish you could come travelling with me, but I know that can't happen right now. I hope you're watching tonight, and wishing me luck. See you soon princess, Dean x

I felt a few tears in my eye, as I looked back up at the telly to see him perform Dirty Deeds. I raised the flowers, and inhaled the beautiful aroma they were giving off. Dean pinned Luke for the win, making me cheer to myself.

I gave him a few minutes backstage to cool off, before I raced to the phone and dialed in his number. "Hello." I heard a tired voice say through the phone.


"Hey beautiful, did you get your gift?" His voice perked up a bit at the sound of mine.

"Yeah I did thankyou so much, they're so beautiful, and smell so good." I looked back over at them on the table.

"I'm glad you like them. I just wanted to send you a little reminder of how much I love and miss you." He blew a kiss down the phone, making me blush a little.

"I love and miss you more though. You did so well in your match tonight as well babe. You and Roman are formidable together." I giggled.

"Aww thanks darling. What can I say me and Roman are a force in this division." He commented. I heard a few loud noises in the background making me confused.

I walked back over to the sofa and watched the end of Raw. "Lucy!" I heard a deeper voice yell down the phone, which of course I immediately recognised.

"Hey Roman!" I replied.

"Roman has gone now, and I've gotta go do some signings, so I'll leave you to it. Just remember I love you, miss you, and can't wait to see you. Okay?"

"Okay, I'll speak to you later, love you." I hung the phone up, as a smile formed itself onto my face, as I thought about Dean and Roman and what on earth they would be getting up to right now. The smell of the flowers continued to make there way around the room, as I laid down and slowly drifted off to sleep, dreaming of my main man.

A/N- So in case you didn't know I've got a few social media accounts now. I've got two Instagram accounts, my personal one which is Chloeeaye, and my WWE account which is Wannabebella. And two Twitter accounts, my personal ItsChloeeWWE, and my Nattie fan account, NattieFanBase. So go follow me on all of those, or comment your usernames.

I feel the need to share as well I've been favourited by ZZ from Tough Enough, Natalya, Alundra Blayze, Darren Young, and Simon Gotch. The last three have also retweeted me too, although you probably don't care about that.

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