Baron Corbin for Prohesivebutter

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There was something about the long haired, tattooed man who walked around with an evil expression on his face permanently that my made my heart skip a few beats. How he ignored everyone and did his own little thing, only made me want to be a better person. Nobody really liked him, well, except for me, somehow I couldn't help but feel weak at the knees whenever he was anywhere near a ten metre radius of me.

Everything happens for a reason, which is why I'm only driven to be exactly like my brother Dwayne Johnson, only better, a hard challenge I know, but I needed some sort of motivation. Kate Johnson was my name, Rock 2 my nickname. I worked tirelessly in the gym to perfect my craft, and create the strongest physique. Some may say I work too hard, I just say I work hard. Everyone needed someone to follow, a mentor if you will, so what's wrong with wanting to be like my brother?

Baron's POV

There was something about the confident, strong girl who worked effortlessly in the gym seven days a week. Something that made butterflies fly in my stomach and a smile appear on my miserable face. How she didn't care what anyone else said, she was determined to be the best. Nobody really liked her, apparently her brother got her where she was, but somehow I was only intrigued by her passion for power and wrestling. Somehow, I just couldn't help but shy and coy whenever she was around me.

One thing for sure is that Kate is dedicated to her training. She works tirelessly at the gym for most of the hours of the day, and to be honest, as much as I didn't want to care, I couldn't help but care as to why she felt she had to work so hard and tire herself out so much.

After noticing for a couple of days that she was spending far too many hours at the gym, and approaching the weight machine once to see it was on a weight even I would struggle to lift, I decided to intervene. So what? It may not work, but it was worth a try to see if there was anything she was struggling with, or a reason why she worked so hard.

I noticed Kate sat on one of the benches getting a drink, so I did what any love-struck idiot would do, and tripped over a dumbbell walking over, landing flat on my face. The pain most definitely was not worth it when I got up to see that beautiful face laugh at me, but it was a smile at the end of the day. "Are you alright Baron?"

"I'm all good, just wish I'd have seen that dumbbell sooner." She laughed her cute laugh, a small blush evident in her cheeks. Clearly her laugh was something she was conscious about, but it was just another thing I would attempt to correct. "So,..umm...good workout?" I scratched the back of my head, struggling to even string a sentence together.

"Yeah it's alright thanks." We stood awkwardly for a few seconds, both of us refusing to look the other in the eye. "Look, I'm just going to bite the bullet here and grow some balls. Are you sure you're alright Kate?" Kate slowly lowered herself, placing her drink down and crossing her arms. I feared I had struck a nerve with her.

"Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" Her voice suddenly got higher, yet sounded a lot more fragile. She spoke slower, making her sound much more vulnerable.

"It's just that I've noticed you in here an awful lot recently, and when I went to use the weight machine the other day after you, the weight was huge. I'd hate for you to do any damage to yourself in any way Kate I'm just-"

"'just what? Interfering?" She stood up, moving towards me, she wasn't as tall as me, so I still stood over her, but the icy stare that had trapped my eyes suddenly didn't scream fragile to me, at all! "Why do people never think I'm strong enough, that I'm just a weakling who can't lift decent weights like men? What gives you an inkling that you have a right to tell me that I come to the gym to often?"

"It's not like that Kate, I just care that's all." I softened my expression on my face to calm her down.

"You don't care, you don't care about anyone but yourself. You're Baron Corbin for crying out loud." Her voice got louder and louder, as I looked around at all the angry gym users staring back at the two of us, a ruckus making too much noise.

"I care about you Kate. You're beautiful. Just talk and I'll listen." I sat down, still looking into her eyes, patting the seat next to me, which she eventually sat on.

Kate's POV

I sat down next to Baron, the inside of me was shaking with nerves, he'd never even spoken to me before, and in the same sentence he just called me beautiful and told me he cared. "Fine. I just want to be like my brother. Is that too much to ask."

"Oh Kate. You're already so much like you're brother." The few people who were earlier staring at others had gone back to whatever they were doing, leaving the two of us in our own conversation.

"No I'm not. I haven't got biceps like him, or quads like him, or anywhere near the same amount of charisma like him." I hated making myself sound so petty and pathetic in front of Baron, suddenly I was exposing my demons to someone, never mind the fact it was to the only person at work who I actually liked.

"So what? You're so much smarter then him, and you definitely are the looker in the family. And your body, don't even get me started on your body. Damn girl. Remember you're a girl Kate, not a guy, your body is breath taking, your ass, your boobs, your biceps!" I couldn't help but blush and giggle at the compliments he was paying me. This evil man who I once knew had suddenly turned into a kind hearted man who just wanted to be there.

"I guess.

"That's it? You guess. Listen, how about we do this my way. From now on me and you will come to the gym together and then I can keep an eye on you, make sure you aren't working too hard, whilst making sure your body is smoking." He offered me his arm to shake which I accepted. "It's a deal." For the first time in a while I made a genuine smile as I finally felt like I could relax around someone. "And who knows what will happen Rock 2, a beautiful girl like you, a handsome guy like me." He winked at me pulling me up.

"Cardio first Corbin, forty minutes." He sighed and tutted trying to walk away, but I managed to pull him back. "Come on."

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