Alberto Del Rio for flippynoodles

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Tonight was my tag team match against my ex boyfriend Jack Swagger, and I was beyond excited. I couldn't wait to cause him all the hut he had caused me, and considering my partner was Alberto Del Rio I knew it was bound to happen. Jack was with Summer Rae, making me feel pretty confident in myself.

Jack and Summer made their entrances, and I was next. The huge smile on my face said it all. I made sure to give the pairing a cheeky wave, which they didn't respond politely to.

Alberto came up beside me, smiling down at me, as he was considerably taller then me. "We've got this, don't worry." I nodded my head as we both climbed into the ring. I flicked my hair, mimicking Summer.

"I'll start." I told Alberto, as I leaped around to prepare myself. Throughout my match, Alberto continued to encourage me, as much as I didn't really need it. Summer had annoyed me for so long, it was amazing to finally get some much needed retribution.

Summer tagged Jack in, as I moved backwards, not before slapping Jack hard in the face, making the crowd scream for me. I grinned as he gripped his cheek in pain. Instead of tagging Alberto, I high fived him. "That was amazing." He said to me, jumping in ready to attack.

Alberto never gave Jack a chance to tag Summer in, and so I never let him tag me in whilst he was causing suffering to Jack. I was clapping my hands and cheering, as if I was a member of the crowd. Alberto winked at me, signalling he was going for his finisher, so I hopped round and whacked Summer off of the apron, so she couldn't interrupt.

Alberto won, so I jumped in, and up into his arms. "Well done Ashley." He whispered in my ears, as I looked into his eyes smiling wide. He let go of me, as I skipped backstage to cool down.

I was hanging around in the locker room when there was a knock at the door. No one else was in here with me, so I crept over making sure that it wasn't a prank by one of the pathetic superstars. I opened up and saw Alberto standing awkwardly in front of me. "Oh, Alberto, hi." I opened up to let him into the room.
"Ashley, can I speak to you please?" I nodded as we both took a seat in the spare chairs around the room, as I moved a bit of  gear belonging to the girls away from us.

"Of course you can."

"This may be a bit of an odd question, but, can I tell you something." I nodded in response to his question. "Actually, can I do something?" I looked blankly, as he hopped up, planting a kiss on my lips. It took me a few seconds to react, but when I did, I cupped his cheek, kissing him back. He pulled away from me, pecking the top of my head.

"Wow." He whispered against my forehead, I took a deep breath reflecting on all the things that had just happened. "So, I guess I should ask you out now then?"

"Well, that was real smooth Alberto." I laughed at him as it took him a while to realise what he said.

"Sorry." He stammered. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. I nodded, giving him a quick hug, before we quickly had to pull apart as Nattie came into the room.

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