Dolph Ziggler for Cece125

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Why did two faced people exist? Why did they feel the need to become two different people. "April, you up for going out tonight with a few of us tonight?" I was backstage prepping for Raw with my friend Dolph.

"Yeah sure." I agreed. He nodded, walking away from me.

"Meet me outside at eight." Throughout the afternoon I was preparing myself, styling my hair so it was up, and adding a bit more makeup then I usually wore. I put a pair of heels on to make myself look a little bit bigger, so I looked normal around the tall boys.

"April!" I was greeted by Dolph, Natalya, Damien, Jey, Jimmy, Tamina and JoJo. I walked over waving, as the girls ran over to me.

"Oh look, April actually decided to make an effort tonight." That was one thing that annoyed me about Dolph, as much as I liked him, he got some sort of sick kick from humiliating me in front of our friends. As much as he was my best friend, it was like he didn't want to be associated with me when we were with other people.

"Why are you being like this?" I pulled Dolph to the side, whispering into his ear.

"I don't mean to be, I'm sorry sweet." He kissed the top of my head, as I melted a bit at his touch. I saw JoJo look over and some at me, winking over to me. Dolph went off to the bar, as JoJo approached me.

"April, he likes you." She stated. I shurgged her off, completely ignoring what she had just said.

"Get real chick, as if he likes me. Look at me, then look at him." I pointed over to him, as he grinded on a couple of girls. "He is in his element there, dancing with those girls over there. I know Dolph, he wouldn't go for me, I'm not his type, I don't dress with barely any clothes on, so there is no point." I had to be straight with JoJo, I was never going to build my hopes up, just to have them knocked straight down.

"I see that look in your eye. I see the jealousy pouring out of you. Just admit it, you like Dolph." I was never going to admit it to anyone, especially not a loud person like JoJo.

"I'm going to go and dance, whilst you just carry on making stupid things up in your head." I walked over, as two guys smiled at me, waving me over to them.

Dolph's POV

I watched as April danced all over the two guys. They were easily better looking then me, and it was breaking my heart. I never told her, but I liked her, and I wasn't afraid to admit it. I saw JoJo looking over at me, I waved as she danced her way over to me. "You like her." I was slighty shocked by her sudden comment.

"Yeah, you know what I do, I do like April, but I'm not her type, look at her with those guys, she would never go for a man like me." I admitted, she shook her head and walked off, skipping over to Tamina and Natalya.

April's POV

It was the following morning after a crazy night before. JoJo had called me saying she wanted me to meet her in one of the rooms down the corridor. I found room 7, and walked in. I saw Dolph sat on the table, swinging his legs. "Hey." I smiled.

"Why are we here? I need to be somewhere, I'll see you later." Just as Dolph reached the door, we heard the lock turn. He tried the handle, but there was no way we were going to get out. "Brilliant. This was all JoJo, I know what she is playing at."

"What is she playing at?" I took a seat in one of the seats, knowing I'd be there for quite a while now.

"At the club last night, I told her that I like you." My jaw hit the floor, as I almost laughed at what he said.

"You like me? Is this a wind up?" I asked. Dolph sat next to me, nodding his head. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was scared. I couldn't face rejection, you were, are I mean, by best friend, and I didn't want anything to happen to the two of us. This is why around everyone else I wasn't as nice to you, I didn't want to give anything away. Then JoJo confronted me last night, when you were dancing with those lads last night, I felt jealous. It made me sad." My heart was racing, as his words melted me.

"I was jealous when you were with those girls. I like you Dolph." Dolph looked at me, pulling a strange face, raising his eyebrow. I placed my hand onto his cheek, before leaning in and kissing him. He kissed me back for a couple of seconds, before I pulled apart. "Can we go now please. JoJo your plan worked." I yelled, as the lock twisted and we both sighed with relief.

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