Little Miss Kroeger ~Dean Ambrose

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Hi, my name is Danielle Kroeger and yes before you ask my brother is Chad from Nickelback. I was currently at the filming of WWE, as my brother invited me and my 1 year old son Abel along as he was performing. I loved being here, apart from the fact my number one enemy Renee Young was here. I remember I told her I liked Dean Ambrose, well as Jon Moxley, and then she slapped me, told me he was her's, and that was the end of it.

Renee's POV

It was her. Danielle. She was here to steal Dean. Take my Dean away from me. I walked along the corridor when I saw his luscious shiny locks in the distance.

"Dean," I chased after him as his head snapped towards me.

"What do you want Renee?" Time to turn on the charm girl. I twirled my hair and smirked, fluttering my eyelids, "well?"

"It's just there is this girl visiting today, and I am petrified she is gonna break the two of us apart!"

"What us? There is no us Renee!"

"Just don't talk to her, she is bad news, honestly, she once told me that she doesn't think you belong in the WWE because you can't wrestle and have no personality." I ran off before he had chance to reply. " I love you Dean, don't forget that." God, I hated that girl.

Dean's POV

That new girl, Danielle? What a bitch. Maybe Renee wasn't so bad after all.

"Renee!" She turned back around and strutted towards me. "This girl, I hate her already." She smiled. "Make sure she stays away from me before I do something I regret." And with that I walked back towards the locker room.

Roman's POV

We were sat in catering, Dean, Seth and I, discussing our match against the Wyatt Family tonight, when the blonde bitch Renee came and sat next to us. She pulled up a seat next to Dean, as he slowly backed away.

"Hey best friends!"

"We aren't your best friends Renee, what do you want?" Seth replied.

"I just came to keep you away from Danielle that's all." I didn't need a bodyguard so got up to buy some food. As I walked towards the queue I felt a little impact and heard a 'thud' as I looked down to see a rather thin girl look up at me with a little boy cradled in her arms. I reached forward to help her up. "I am so sorry, here let me pay for some more food for the both of you." She took my hand as I pulled her up. "My name's Roman." She smiled.

"Danielle, and this is my son Abel." Was it her? Wait she looked far too nice!

"Well it's nice to meet you. You must be new, would you like to come and sit with us?" She turned to Abel who nodded with a pleading smile.

"Yes please," I lead them over to our table and pulled over two more seats.

"Hey guys, this is Danielle, and this little dude is Abel."

Renee's POV

It was her, she had the cheek to come over. I leaned over to Dean as Roman introduced us all, "Dean, that's her. That girl is Danielle." I looked over at her getting angrier and angrier, until I blew. "That is one ugly son you raised there Danielle, I mean my ass looks better than his face, but I suppose he looks just like you." I could see the tears begin to form in her eyes. Jeez, was I enjoying this. "I mean think about it he must be pretty unfortunate to have a mum like you, I can see him serving me in McDonalds in a few years time. But seriously, what are you actually doing here? You're damaged Danielle, you have no friends so why are you here at WWE?"

Seth's POV

I could see this girl was getting quite upset by Renee's words, and that she was hiding something. For the next five minutes Renee just hit her with insults and the girl just took it, holding her son tight, desperately trying not to cry. "Renee! Enough now shut up and back off!" I scolded.

"I am here for my brother. I am here to meet one of my inspirations," she looked over at Dean, "And give my son a good experience for once. Okay?!" I thought she might need a bit of time to herself after that so I crouched down to the level of her son.

"Hey buddy, do you wanna come grab some sweets with me and Roman and leave Mummy to calm down for a bit." He was shy, just like his Mum. He nodded gingerly as did Danielle, so I scooped him up and took him away as Roman followed.

Danielle's POV

Just as I finished shouting at Renee and Abel went off, Chad came into catering with the rest of the band. He came over to me smiling until he saw the look on my face. I gave him a 'don't tell anyone you are my brother' look, hoping he would get the message.

"Aww look Danielle has superman come to save you. Wait he might have your next secret stash of drugs and alcohol. What if Abel found out his Mum was a drug addict huh?" That is when Chad snapped.

"Shut up you pathetic little girl, you know nothing. You make stuff up just to ruin people's lifes just to make yours better. You are sick and twisted. And let's be honest, you are possibly the most ugliest girl in the company and when we perform on Raw on Smackdown you better stay away from me before I do something I regret!" Dean rose from his seat where he had been quiet for the whole time.

"Mate, I think you will find it's the other way around, this girl told Renee here that I had no personality and that I didn't belong in the WWE!" What? "Do you know how that makes me feel, when this is my career?" I stood up in disbelief, why would I say that to my biggest crush.

"I-i never said that about you Dean, I mean I practically am your biggest fan. Why would I ever want to make you angry?"

Dean's POV

For some reason, something was telling me not to believe her. Renee is obsessed with me, so why would she make something like this up. It just doesn't add up. "You are a really good liar, did anyone ever tell you that. You come to WWE pretending to be someone else, when really you are a single Mum desperate for help and a break. So why don't you just go away to find your son and leave us alone!"

Danielle's POV

I went back to the hotel room I was staying at, as I waited for Seth and Roman to bring Abel back. I sat scrolling through my phone looking at all the photos I saved of him as the tears streamed from my eyes. Then the door knocked. I had to answer the door looking like this! I opened it as a hyper little boy quickly ran into the room as I looked up to look at the boys.

"Can we come in and you tell us why you are so upset?" I opened the door without saying a word.

Roman's POV

So she told us, evey little detail of her past. What happened with Renee and Dean at catering, and why she was so protective of Abel. She had no family, just like Dean so she had no reason to ever make anything like that up about Dean.

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