One Big Setup ~ Dean Ambrose {Part 2}

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Renee's POV

Me and Dean walked out to see Danielle checking her car tyres. Summer was sat in her car, she noticed me and I gave her a thumbs up. "Dean, I forgot to tell you, I was gonna get a lift with Summer. She had something to tell me." He looked over nodding.

"Okay, see you later Renee." Just as we were about to seperate we heard Danielle yelling. I looked over and saw Seth and Randy winding Danielle up again.

"Run little piggy Danielle." She wiped under her eyes. She slapped Seth in the face in anger as me and Dean made our way over. Seth retaliated and pushed Danielle onto the ground. He lifted his leg up to kick her, but Dean stopped him punching in the face so hard I could feel the impact. Dean bent down and picked Danielle up. "Will you two be okay from here?" Dean nodded and led her to his car.

Dean's POV

"Dean?" Danielle whispered. I was carrying her to my car. She still seemed a bit dazed after she hit her head on the ground.

"It's okay sweetheart. Me and you are gonma go out, and get to know each other. Then go make sure you are okay and don't have concussion." She hummed in response as I placed her in the passenger seat and we drove off.

After we spent a few hours enjoying each others company, I knew that I wanted to make her mine. She told me about her troubled past, and it made me realise how similar we actually were. We drove to Smackdown, and I made the decision to ask her out at the beginning of the show, in front of the whole WWE Universe. So she knew how serious I was.

Danielle's POV

I sat by myself watching as Dean made a surprise entrance through the crowd and into the ring. "So you are probably all wondering why I am here, but I actually want to call out a diva, who today made herself a special place in my heart. Danielle, you probably don't want to, but can you come out here." I walked out to the ramp as his music hit. I hit a few fans hands, as they recognised who I was. I was looking, in my opinion, a state, I didn't think I ever was going to come out to the crowd. I got in and he stepped forward close to me looking into my eyes. "Today you made me realise something. You made me feel something I have never felt for anyone before. Danielle, please be my girlfriend? Let me look after and protect you." I nodded my head as he invited me into his arms. He squeezed me tight, "thank you," he whispered into my ear, so only I could hear.

2 years later...

Dean and myself got married a couple of weeks ago, and I was staying at home looking after our one year old twins, Thomas and Mia. I had been searching for some sort of job for a while, but couldn't find anything that suited my lifestyle. "Hey babe!" Dean shouted making his way into the house. "So I know you were thinking about a job, and I have an idea." I looked at him in silence waiting for him to actually tell me. "Be my new PR. It will be perfect, me, you, and the kids. We can all work together as a family." I thought about it, thinking about the positives and negatives.

"Okay, I accept." He yelled and ran up to me, kissing all over my face making me giggle.

"Let me announce it to the universe tonight!" I nodded as he got himself prepared for his match tonight.


"So I have a new PR, who I would like to introduce to you all." He paused making the crowd drum roll. "My wife Danielle." The crowd cheered, as I finally realised, I was being accepted for me, and it felt great.

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