It's Not True ~ Dean Ambrose

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I walked through the quiet corridor as tears threatened to spill down my cheeks. How could he do that to me? I had just seen what no girl wanted to see, your boyfriend making out with another girl. Only it had to be the stuck up bitch known as Summer Rae. I started to speed up in case anyone saw me like this.

I got to my hotel room and sunk to the floor crying my eyes out. I got my phone out looking through all the old photos me and Dean took together. When I thought we were happy. I was interrupted when I heard a fist pounding on the door.

"Athena, I know you're in there, please open the door, let me explain!" I got up and opened the door as he just walked straight in. His eyes were bloodshot like he had been crying too. "Listen to me, what you saw back there with Summer, it was all Summer, I did nothing, I promise you. As if I would put our relationship in jeopardy like that." He ran his fingers through my light brown hair.

"I don't know Dean. I need time, my trust has completely gone in you. I know that it's hard right now, but give me some time. You probably were gonna kiss her back if I didn't show up, I know what you're like." He looked at me shocked, as I told him what I truly felt.

"You really think that. Do you think that lowly of me. If you don't want me, just say, I'm sure Summer would have me." By now he was staring right into my brown eyes.

"So you do want Summer then. Well done Dean, so what you are basically saying is you want Summer!" I started to raise my voice. I couldn't believe this was happening now. He stepped forward looking at me emotionless.

"If I wanted Summer, I would have chosen Summer all them years ago, not just now. C'mon babe, I love you. Always have, always will. I must be mad to cheat on you." He pulled me closer towards him.

"Well you are pretty strange." I confessed whilst giggling. He leaned down kissing my lips softly.

"I'm sorry you thought I was cheating on you Athena!" He said stroking my hair out of my face.

"I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. I love you Dean Ambrose, my lunatic fringe." He kissed me again.

"I love you too, Athena Reigns!" He pulled me close to his chest. "But just promise me one thing." I looked up at him, "don't tell Roman, I don't wanna be speared again!" I laughed.

"I promise!"

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